Get The New Guitar One Issue

Dec 8, 2005
This is a truely awsome issue. Featuring lessons from Paul Gilbert, AND John Petrucci. Pick one up asap.
I personally prefer Guitar World, but the past few issues have been sucking ass. Especialyl with the song transcriptions they've been offering. I do pick up an issue of Guitar One once in a while though. When I do though, I keep forgetting to order a subscription.
Guitar magazines usually suck, they are only good for the instructionals, and even those arn't that good, and usually they will end up on Youtube anyway.
guitar techniques > all other guitar mags

Though i was an avid GW reader a few years ago and still pick up G1 and GW and some others when there are useful things in them (very rarely these days unfortunately)
I have all the Gilbert videos from this mag and it's ok. Some new licks and different ideas, a few riffs from his new album but the best part is where he shows you how to play Get Out of my Yard, which is one youtube like Feel the Force said it would be.