Get thee to the multiplex ;)

Yeah, but it's going head to head with FHM: The Movie, err...I mean Charlie's Angels 2 this weekend so don't expect too much opening weekend revenues.
I am going to see 28 Days Later tonight after work! Can't wait! I am a sucker for cool zombie movies.

Last week, I saw Xmen 2 (much better than the first one), and the previous week Wrong Turn (very well done horror flick with a classic 70's feel & Eliza Dushku in leading role [Faith, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer]).
I haven't seen it yet but... I'm glad they didn't just make the "zombies" the romero type (slow walking automatons)... IMHO only romero can make those kind zombies into a movie actually worth watching. Did anyone see resident evil? What a crapfest.
Pryml said:
I haven't seen it yet but... I'm glad they didn't just make the "zombies" the romero type (slow walking automatons)... IMHO only romero can make those kind zombies into a movie actually worth watching. Did anyone see resident evil? What a crapfest.

Return of the Living Dead had some way different zombies in it, they were coherent and could move as fast as the body would allow for.
Keyser Soze said:
indeed... it was a total crapfest...
I hope the Dawn of the Dead remake doesn't suck...

Not sure about DOTD, but don't rush right out and see the remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre that is on the way out. Just finished working on that one a few weeks ago. What is the point of remaking something that takes out all of the good parts of the original and doesn't bring anything new to the table (...or the chopping block)? I don't get it.
Snausages said:
Return of the Living Dead had some way different zombies in it, they were coherent and could move as fast as the body would allow for.

yea, but I tend to regard that movie as more of a comedy, even tho when I saw it on the USA network when I was 13 or so I thought it was pretty damned scary. The same goes for evil dead 2.
While we are on the topic of zombie movies, Dawn of the Dead is a must-see classic!

Another great gem is Peter Jackson's (Lord of the Rings trilogy) Dead Alive; it is extremely gory, but filled with dark humor in the vein of Evil Dead 2.

By the way, I highly recommend 28 Days Later! Great stuff if you like horror films!
Keyser... you rule! It's great to see so many "Zombie Aficionados"!

I have to see "28 days later"... this week.

Wraithchild: What did you think of it... did you see it this weekend? "Wrong Turn" looks awesome... plus I have a huge crush on "Faith" (Eliza Dushku).

I actually liked "Resident Evil"... maybe because I was eriely attracted to the starlet? Never the less I enjoyed it... I had a great Starbucks buzz going in... and I was the only person in the theatre... creepy!

"Dawn of the Dead" should not be re-made! They'll screw it up... like they did "Planet of the Apes".

"Return..." Ruled! "Brains, Brians, Brians" It had a great soundtrack too...
"Do you want ta Party... it's Party Time!?"

Can't wait to see Bruce Campbell grace the screen again... who's directing that film... Raimi?

Speaking of Crappy Movies... what about Jason vs. Freddy?


Carry on.....
Isnt it weird that the guy who made dead alive went on to make an oscar-nominated movie? It'd be totally awesome if Paquita appeared as a cameo in return of the king. Or father mcgruder, saying "I kick ass for the lord of the rings!"
SciKikMobster, 28 Days Later was a very refreshing approach to the zombie horror movie genre. It has cult classic written all over it. Since you are going to see it, I won't spoil anything. :) Anyone who want to find out more about this movie and needs a sneak peak can go here:

As far as Wrong Turn, it had the very common "A person takes a shortcut & the car breaks down in the middle of nowhere in a very undesirable location" horror plot, but the directing, acting, camera work, and production were all top notch. Everything was done very well; no horror movie cheesiness here. It was also very suspenseful, creepy, and gory; it evoked many of the same emotions that one gets from watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and other classic horror movies. Eliza Dushku did a great job, and I hope she gets bigger movie deals in the future.

More about Wrong Turn here:
SciKikMobster said:

Can't wait to see Bruce Campbell grace the screen again... who's directing that film... Raimi?

Bubba Ho-Tep: hilarious little movie directed and written by Don Coscarelli, of Phantasm fame...

it is going to be great, I had a great time when I saw it at the Egyptian...

Campbell was there and was his usual hilarious self... and I had the great pleasure of meeting Sam Raimi
Wraithchild said:
SciKikMobster, 28 Days Later was a very refreshing approach to the zombie horror movie genre. It has cult classic written all over it. Since you are going to see it, I won't spoil anything. :) Anyone who want to find out more about this movie and needs a sneak peak can go here:

As far as Wrong Turn, it had the very common "A person takes a shortcut & the car breaks down in the middle of nowhere in a very undesirable location" horror plot, but the directing, acting, camera work, and production were all top notch. Everything was done very well; no horror movie cheesiness here. It was also very suspenseful, creepy, and gory; it evoked many of the same emotions that one gets from watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and other classic horror movies. Eliza Dushku did a great job, and I hope she gets bigger movie deals in the future.

More about Wrong Turn here:

I highly recommend both movies, along with X2 if you are into comic book movies. I hope to see T3 sometime next week.
watching my DVD copy of 28 Days Later now...
The print is sooooo much brighter than the screen version... When I saw it at the film festival, I noticed that you couldn't read the message on the wall during the church scene at the beginning... on my print is nice and bright... lots more detail