Get up to 4.5GB with Dropbox - free, no referral crap


Jan 10, 2005
DB has released a beta of it's latest software which you can download here.

Once you do that, install it, etc. you can open preferences for it and check the box that says "enable dropbox camera import." Then just connect your phone, camera, SD card, whatever, and start importing photos/videos to your dropbox. Every 500MB you upload you get 500MB of space, up to 4.5GB total, completely free. Doing this right now already up to 3GB just importing all the photos and videos off my iPhone.

Enjoy :headbang:
YUP, doing this. I recently learned about linking a .edu e-mail to things which doubles your reference-gained space, retroactively (thanks Adam!), and am going to seriously abuse this one and!