getting a Caparison guitar


Feb 26, 2003
Visit site
I've seen Tom offer help here on the board for getting ahold of a Caparison guitar. I've emailed both Tom and Henrik a few times but haven't heard back. Has anyone here gotten one with their help? I'm going to be buying another guitar soon and I'd really like it to be a Caparison.

they are very rare tho..
and..I would test it before buying it..I am not sure if these guitars are worth the money compared to other models. I visited the side..however..I don't know ;)
You have to remember that tom and henrik have modified models..
Think twice before buying..there are other great branches..
They do have a website to sell their guitars, however the "shop" and "support" sections of the English site (there are english and japanese versions at the homepage) are not functioning or do not seem open.

I too am in North America and have thought about purchasing one of these guitars myself.
I'm gonna refer to an old post that I've made, atleast the first parts of it is relevant to this topic:

I'm not sure about the shipping from Japan to the US so that might be a problem. Anyway, I've never heard anything bad about Ishibashi other than they have made smaller mistakes that they've later made up for so I'd try and check with them. This might take some work but I guess it will be worth it in the end, anyway, best of luck to you.