Getting laid then bragging online.

Dec 27, 2004
Getting laid then coming on royal carnage and bragging about it 3 min after it happens fucking rules. Easy to make fun of me etc etc, but still, I just got laid so im rubber, your glue, etc etc. Now listening to iron angel and drinking mountain dew.

Im sure others can agree, how fast you can get a certain girl out of the house after bustin is an art of MANkind.

"0o0o0o but i don't have sex unless i loooovveeee the person etc etc." people need not put their 2 cents in =).
Fighting for metal its all that we know!
Killing, no mercy, the posers at shows!
With horns in the air and vests on our back
We strap on our boots and begin the attack!

With armore and ammo we'll never fall prey
to the stupid fucking shit they say!
With hair to the ground we won't turn our back
Because our armies are on the attack!

Fists are in the sky!

Thrash Untill we Die!
Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.