Getting Shows?!


Child of The Grave
Aug 26, 2003
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So I think my band sounds really good, we've rehearsed songs a billion times and can play them very well, what's next?! How exactly did some of you get your first shows?! How would I go about finding shows for our band to get some exposure/live action?! Any help is appreciated!!
Since you can play your songs very well you should record a demo, make copies and give them away to anyone that might be interested.

A good way to get shows is to talk with other like-minded bands.

Or simply walk into a venue you'd like to play and ask to speak with the booker. Be confident. 100% of the time they won't be there but you should be able to get an email or phone contact. Also, I don't recommend lying. Don't say you're going to bring in 200 people in hopes of getting a Saturday night slot. Bookers, in fact just about everyone in the music industry is used to dealing with a lot of hypebole and outrageous claims.

As far as exposure there are tons of websites where you can list your band, put up mp3's, announce shows and generally have a (small) chance to get noticed. Unfortunately there are about 79 billion other musicians doing the same thing.

As for me, I started on American Idol :D

My advice, study law or medicine, that's where the money and honeys is. :D :D
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
So I think my band sounds really good, we've rehearsed songs a billion times and can play them very well, what's next?! How exactly did some of you get your first shows?! How would I go about finding shows for our band to get some exposure/live action?! Any help is appreciated!!

The best ways to expose yourself is by playing (not being sarcastic here.) The two easiest ways for a band to get a little exposure is by playing little "hole in the walls" for door money or for free and playing open mic nights. I don't know if there are clubs in your area that offer "open mic nights" but it is very common in my area where there is a high percentage of musicians for our city's pouplation.
Open mic nights draw a decent crowd in my area and if you come up with a small demo tape that includes a couple of studio tracks and a couple of live tracks, you may convince the coordinator (of the open mic night) to allow your band to set up and play.

Bryant said:
The best ways to expose yourself is
by taking your clothes off in public o_O

seriously though.. another thing to do is make friends with other bands. when they have shows, ask if they need an opener. help them out, they help you out. and get a lot of friends to come if you have a show. ;)
Cool, thanks for the advice guys. I do know my someone who is in a band and they said next time they play they'd let us open up, but is that totally up to the band?!
noisefan said:
My advice, study law or medicine, that's where the money and honeys is. :D :D

Haha! That's what I did. When you're a musician, everyone wants to take advantage of you. Besides, it has to do with public relations and those "friends" take as granted that you play for free for them etc. But you never know... One day you can become famous and have more money and honey than any lawer or doctor! Just keep in mind that you're gonna have
a hard time till you reach this point.
I do know my someone who is in a band and they said next time they play they'd let us open up, but is that totally up to the band?!

Some times a booker will let a band with a decent draw of people pick their opening acts. Sometimes not. But I doubt your friend is just leading you on.

The point is to make connections. If you know someone will let you open, there may be a chance it might not work out but you should think positively.

And keep practcing.
Cool, thanks for the encouragement, and of course, I am not relying on this being my day job, after high school I am going into college for computer/electrical engineering as of right now.