GFS Humbucker Shootout


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA
Ok, I got some moar GFS humbuckers. Here's a DI with three RIFFZ on it.


1. Stock epiphone neck humbucker, but it's in the bridge
2. GFS Crunchy PAT (formerly Crunchy PAF)
2. GFS Vintage '59

You can download this .wav file and reamp it or run it through impulses whatever and figure out which one you liked best.

Why lower output hambuckeroz?
I also have a Crunchy Rails that weighs in at 15k or so, but my Ampeg VL-1002 seems to work best with lower output humbuckers, hence why I ordered the Vintage '59 (around 8k). The Crunchy PAT (14k?) is supposedly like a DiMarzio Super Distortion, which was on one of the best guitars I've ever played - an Epiphone Ace Frehley sig les paul).
I got the Crunchy Rails a while back, it's great for vintage style amps, but with my Ampeg, it just pushes the preamp too hard and fucks everything up. I switched back to my guitar with a p-90 and it sounded fucking sweet again. that was my first real experiment with high output.
I'd buy the 'Crunchy PAT' solely on the basis that it sounds like Br00talz peanut butter. I fucking love peanut butter.
I figured someone would have reamped these or put up some sweet sounding clips or whatever. damn.
I can't really tell a big difference through the amp sim shit I'm running everything through.
Can anyone tell a noticeable difference?
They all seem almost the same, but the last one sounds a little more "beefy".

I was hoping some BROS would run these through some decent ampsims, since I can't get anything worth a shit out of them!