GG Allin

GG Allin.

Funny bloke.

Didn't he, when not in punk persona, compose country music?

I heard that somewhere.

Anyway, cool punk.

Drugs killed him.

What a wanker.
He was a complete and utter arsehole with a really small cock. However, he was fucking funny but I don't think he tried to be. He definately made his mark and will be remembered but it certainly won't be for his music. Personally i'd rather not be remembered at all rather than be remembered for shitting on stage, punching the audience, playing naked and having a small cock.
I had a run in with GG a few years back at a record store in Chicago. It almost turned into a fight, but the guy who owned it kicked me out and not GG. I found out later it was GG when I went back in and the guy who owned the store wanted to save me "an ass kicking"

I'd have fought his junkie ass anyway..."Hi, I'm GG Allin...catch my shit,'s art!"

All in all, a useless dink with no real concept of melody or timing. Funny shit, tho...his AIDS song was funny.