very very! tight sound! post some info about gear and rec ?
Line 6 is responsible for most of this recording.
The rythm guitars were quad-tracked through a Line 6 TonePort UX2, nothing fancy. They used a fairly cheap guitar with EMGs and thick ass strings. I just recorded the vocals for this one, so I'm not too sure about anything else. Oh yeah, the bass was an LTD something with like literally the thickest instrument string ever made (a 4 string tuned to GGCF, go figure).
Some lead guitars and weird ambient sounds were tracked through a Pod HD500, so they can easily recreate them live.
Inside the DAW I've got a few plugins running. Peavey's ReValver for all the distorted guitars. The loudest pair are the 6505 emulation panned hard left right, and the quieter pair the Flathill (Mesa) panned 80-80. On the (two individual) rythm guitar busses I've got an EQ, multi-band compression and two instances of saturation, one for some transformer grit and one for some tape smear.
Vocals were my trusty SM7 tracked through a Line 6 TonePort UX1 that I've borrowed. I used an Art Tube MP for part of the session, but we got kicked out of the studio having it and had to finish the session in their rehearsal space (and use the UX1 pre). Turns out there wasn't that much of a difference sound-wise.
On them are some saturation, and also a saturation plugin, and to finish it off; an instance of saturation. And in between just some de-essing, EQ, opto and vca compressors in a chain set so that the opto smoothes them out, and the vca catches all the peaks.
Then there are drums. A kick, a snare and some other stuff. It's pretty cool.