Ghost Riding - This world is pathetic. Creating this thread, even moreso.

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Idiot number 1
Fag 1 Crashes in to tree, Cunt 3 runs over himself with his own vehicle
Chinks acting like Negars

I truely hate to spam the board with this drivel. But I would like to bring it to all of your attention how idiotic the average human being truely is. These 3 videos above, are just a sampling of the new craze that is sweeping the globe known as "Ghost Ride the Whip". The whip being symbolic for the white men dawned in hoods, who used to pummel cottonknucklers with some rawhide leather before they roosted them by their necks upon a strong branch of mahogany. (Those were the days)

I myself would have never been aware of this idiocy, if it were not for catching the 10 o'clock news at just the right moment.
This is a prime example as to why most of humanity should be eradicated and replaced with dolphins... Cause dolphins are fuckin smart.
dolphins practice gang rape.

Which is a very intelligent practice. If you've ever gone out raping, you've probably noticed that it would be so much easier if you had 2 or 3 people holding the woman (or the man, if thats your thing) down, so all you have to do is focus on the quick pound. Afterwhich, you help hold down and let some other guy have his way with whatever hole your group prefers.

Oh mighty dolphins, where would we be without you.
ghost riding the whip is pretty cool imo and i dont get why you'd have a problem with it given that theyre effectively eliminating themselves via its practice :confused:
There are times when I think hip-hop is the downfall of western civilization, but then I see a video like this and it rekindles my love for humanity.

Props to the guy with his kid in the back of the truck... That's some G-money parenting!!!

Which is a very intelligent practice. If you've ever gone out raping, you've probably noticed that it would be so much easier if you had 2 or 3 people holding the woman (or the man, if thats your thing) down, so all you have to do is focus on the quick pound. Afterwhich, you help hold down and let some other guy have his way with whatever hole your group prefers.

Oh mighty dolphins, where would we be without you.



Ghost riding Car gets Stolen
We petition against Ghost of the heavy metal genre that continues to make albums and tour. Many people getting into metal think that they are the real deal and that we should forget the real bands like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, etc. They wish to destroy real metal with their carnival music nonsense. Seriously, is a song like If You Have Ghost actually something that a real metalhead would listen to? They are not metal. People also make the erroneous claim that they are so directly inspired by King Diamond/Mercyful Fate, which is just wrong. They are, in fact, a watered-down version of BOC. We the people oppose Ghost continuing as a band, and they should be split up as soon as possible.

Ghost (band)
We have petitioned to get the band Ghost to split up. We do not believe that Ghost should continue to make music. Ghost has done so much damage to real metal, so we petition that the band Ghost and their management be split up.
[Your name]

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I enjoy them the same way I enjoy a cheesy horror movie. I'd rather my child listen to Ghost than Five Finger Dickpunch.