Giant - Promise Land

Dan Huff did play some small part in this I've read but pretty minimal. I don't see the problem with calling it Giant. accept is coming out with a record and Udo isn't even on it. To some that's close to heresy and yet Accept are going ahead. If the album brought shame to Giant's legacy then yeah it would be bad but the album doesn't disgrace the Giant name at all. To AngraRULES - I know it's just an opinion but the way you said that sounds like it's a matter of fact. That song is pretty catchy in my book and has most things that I look for in an AOR song. A band can only epicly fail if they make crap music, the name is irrelevant to me. The music on this CD is not crap.
To AngraRULES - I know it's just an opinion but the way you said that sounds like it's a matter of fact. That song is pretty catchy in my book and has most things that I look for in an AOR song. A band can only epicly fail if they make crap music, the name is irrelevant to me. The music on this CD is not crap.

Oh, believe me... It's just an opinion. I didn't want to come off like I was stating a fact. I really didn't care for the song, but hey, if you like it, that's great. As I always say, I like some stuff that 90% of the users in this forum may not, and it's all cool. :)
Thing is Dann was Giant. He was the singer, guitarist and main writer and was amazing in all 3 roles. Hearing anyone less than him take over any of those roles is just tarnish on a great legacy imo.