Gibson Flying V pickups question..


Noisey B*****d
Dec 5, 2005
Hey guys Im gonna be recording some 'classic' rock stuff shortly and am thinking about taking out the emg 81 and 85 (with 18v mod) and putting back the original humbuckers which are the 496R and 500T.. I'll be using my Marshall 2203 rather than my 6505. What do ya reckon.. am I gonna regret taking out the emg's???
this "EMG=no dynamics" stuff is bullshit, with 18v they have as much dynamic range as any other pickup.

still I prefer passives for classic rock, the 500t isn't perfect for it though, too muddy/fizzy.
get an SH4 for that type of stuff
Please define "classic" rock! There's your AC/DC and Zeppelin on one side, but also the fucking Eagles and Skynyrd on the other. Quite a difference.

EMGs can work rather well for rock too, especially the 85.
I love the 500T. only problem is that on stock gibsons with it, they use a 300k volume pot. when you make the switch, use a 500k pot instead. it eliminates the muddiness and youre left with a killer sounding pickup.
Cheers guys.. Classic rock... Zep, UFO, Lizzy, ACDC.. treble boosters into Marshalls ect!

Ive put the humbuckers back in now.. I just thought fuck it.. lets go for it! Just gotta wire the fucker up now which is the next headache! :ill:

I love the 500T. only problem is that on stock gibsons with it, they use a 300k volume pot. when you make the switch, use a 500k pot instead. it eliminates the muddiness and youre left with a killer sounding pickup.

Thanks bud Ill look into that..
A faded V through a Fender SuperSonic was one of the most ball blasting good times i've ever had at Best Buy.

use those hot pickups to drive a clean tube amp and you'll get shit cookin' yo.