Gibson Flying V pickups


Dec 20, 2008
Hi dudes.

I own Gibson Flying V and not that pleased with it's tone. I mean it has muddy bottom end and harsh highs. Maybe it's my hands. But tried on many amps - the same thing. I use Peavey 6505 on rehearsals, I dig it's tone, but just can't control those muddy things - especially on the higher frets ( I play drop В, 10-60) . I think EMG's 81/85 can do the trick. But my band mate owns ESP LTD M-400 81/81 it is kinda harsh. Can they deliver balanced tone on my all mahogany guitar? I am also thinking of Seyomur Duncan JB/59(Jazz) or Blackouts. But as you all know dealing with batteries in Flying V is total pain in ass. :heh:
Any suggestions on this, folks?
...and dealing with batteries is a necessary evil if you are talking about active pups. Either have a battery box installed or deal with poppin a pickguard every time. Had to pop the pickguard for a few years on my RG450DX until I just threw a battery box on it.
So i've gotta drill a hole in the back of it in order to create a battery box?
I am not that retarded and I consider my V is mine)))
I luv everything else in it. I guess it is chained monster with stock pup's.
I've heard your tests, EMG's sounded tighter comparing to Blackouts. That's what I need - to tighten it, cuz it sounds like a fat whore now))
Yeah dude, an EMG85 will tighten it, and an EMG81 will tighten it even more and make it clearer IMO! And you can put the battery in the control cavity, just wrap it in electrical tape and then the foam that EMG's come shipped in to keep it from moving around and you'll be good!
Some dude told me my axe will squeal, I mean negative feedback by this because it is all mahogany. I've told Zakk Wylde has no problems with it. But he pointed me that he has not mahogany neck. That dude has SG with JB and Recto 2ch. And I don't love it that much. Still too much low end - he plays 13-68 in В standard. But that is Mesa - I prefer Peaveys though))

And additional question. I am planning to buy Peavey Rockmaster, can it deliver 6505/5150 sound?

And in addition. I've seen this thing recently:

This thing kills 808. Anyone has experience using it?
Just for juicing the tubes, not that kind of music that GMD plays in the video.
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So i've gotta drill a hole in the back of it in order to create a battery box?
I am not that retarded and I consider my V is mine)))
I luv everything else in it. I guess it is chained monster with stock pup's.


^^It's been known to happen before
Some dude told me my axe will squeal, I mean negative feedback by this because it is all mahogany. I've told Zakk Wylde has no problems with it. But he pointed me that he has not mahogany neck. That dude has SG with JB and Recto 2ch. And I don't love it that much. Still too much low end - he plays 13-68 in В standard. But that is Mesa - I prefer Peaveys though))

it won't squeal. There are huge numbers of players who have EMGs in full mahogany guitars, including myself!
A mahogany body guitar won't squeal just because you put an EMG 81 or 85 in it. Your buddy probably had the gain too high and was standing too close to the amp, which of course will make your rig squeal. I have several guitars with EMG pups in them, including one with a mahogany body, and I can guarantee it doesn't squeal, unless I make it squeal. Mahogany + EMG 81 in bridge = Win
You guys have convinced me))) The only way I am gonna fuck with those batteries cuz I like 18V mod - a bit passive like sound+ devilish tightness. One more question - ZW Set has long shaft pots - do I need those things? Or it's just Les Paul which needs it? Thanks in advance. This is the best forum and you guys are the same brain washed by guitars as me)) I'm gonna live here)))
ZW set comes with short and long shaft...or at least the two sets I bought had both.

I would do just a straight up EMG setup first and then see if you need to do the 18v mod. You might not find it necessary.
don't forget, you don't have to put the battery in the guitar with emg's, you can just as well power it from outside, same principle as phantom powering a mic or d.i. box.

only thing you need is a stereo cable and to solder a box that provides the power.
don't forget, you don't have to put the battery in the guitar with emg's, you can just as well power it from outside, same principle as phantom powering a mic or d.i. box.

only thing you need is a stereo cable and to solder a box that provides the power.

Haven't heard of such a solution, anyone has any experience in this?
Haven't heard of such a solution, anyone has any experience in this?

Some people tape the battery to the back, others tape it to the strap...but easiest is just to put it in the cavity. Less messy, less cable, less room for oh shit I accidentally ripped the battery out during a massive live performance.
I guess just how to strengthen battery position there. It may slip out of the fixation during the gig as well if isn't fixed well.
I know you've already decided on EMGs, but you might want to look at Barenuckle pickups. They are a great passive pickup that deliver extremely high gain tones, so you wouldn't need to mess around with batteries at all.