Gig last night other band had

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
A pod running into a randall solid state head :puke: . Tell you what that was the worse shit ever.

The other guitarist used my head, he obviously didn't know that it was tube or what he was doing :mad: he just turned both switches on at the same time. He was using some boss thing through the clean chanell :puke:. Think was, he was a great player. To bad he just didn't sound that good.

He cranked the mids and turned down his highs (all the way :rolleyes: ), his solos just got buried in the mudy shit.

Seriously what is it with people not giving a shit how they sound.

I just go direct into the head and use both chanells (the rythem one doesn't get that much use) run a handful of stomps and I am good to go. Sounds a billion times better than multi effects :puke:.
I used to be a multi-fx guy too. I guess most players go throug a phase where they don't know(or care) shit about tone.
I went back and checked the presets I made on my pod xt when I first got it...:zombie:
yea i use to use a lot of effects but i have always cared about my tone but back in the day i didn't know what a good tone was and i think that was the problem. I barley use any effects and a nice tube amp and man it just murders all my old solid state heads!

I think recording really steps up your love for a great tone and how important it really is. Personally i seen this great guitarist last month and was using a new line 6 head and it sounded awfull like a buzz saw or bee's in a bag. I wanted to tell him his tone was garbage but i bit my lip and stayed quite.

I see bands like this all the time and it makes me feel old and I'm only 25:Smug:
It's not always the player/amp to blame. Some of the mixing guys really use some ridiculous EQ settings on guitars. And also, some guitar amps simply aren't suited for live usage unless extremely well tweaked: some Mesa amps especially with low tunings, Marshall JCM 2000, and sometimes the Peavey 5150/6505 (add too much gain and TSCHZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ).
reminds me of a bleeding through concert i went to a few years back. both guitarists had some sort of modeling amp. not knocking on solid state or modeling, but for high gain metal, it just doesn't cut it. it can be pulled off in a studio, but live, no.
guitar into OD820 into 5150 into v30's cab, dial in the 5150 to sound relatively good(not tooooo toppy) and turn the post gain to 3. SORTED. Thats how I run my guitar live... I have a NS-2 in the FX loop for noise reduction and I have a DL4 in the signal chain aswell...

I hear what you're saying. I get SOOOOO many BOSS GT8 guitar players with processed tones when i do live sound, from guitars that sound like Diesel engines to High pressure showers.

3 weeks ago i literally walked upto the one guitarist and turned his amp off in soundcheck, told him to give me his guitar and to stand back. I dialed in his little Crate 2x12 amp to sound relatively decent, played a few chunky rhythm parts and gave it back to him.

How hard can it be to get good tone live? I mean, if you keep the settings at 12 O clock the amp should sound relatively OK...

oh, I hate modelling amps LIVE... ew...