gigz+stuf. any suggestions come wiv a free kis x


Sep 8, 2004
FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]hey, i'm gettin weary and need a gig 2 aim my life towards...u guyz must know of any goins on? who's goin where and what's comin up? i'l be movin2london soonenough if all need a nightlife poke from any1 who knows where th decent clubs r, lookin 4 metal, industrial underground and f e t i s h (dum library wont let me post dat naughty word) places, and sum1 2 show me round maybe. :D i'm so tripped right now hee hee hee hee. soz, slowly progressin in age, need4sleep and a slap in th face me
go to sin city in camden on a friday evening, i will be becoming a regular, as soon as i find a fucking flat (im not bitter that i dont have a flat yet, not bitter at all)

*edit* orrrr sanctum at the electroworkz on a friday evening, it has like 4 floors of all kinds, and women dancing!! :)
There's a WASP gig coming up on the 5th of Nov at the Astoria, which should be groovy - Or Clawfinger, if you like that sort of thing on the 24th Sept, at the Garage... Slayer are doing the rounds, unfortunately with Slipknot, but I don't see a London date yet...
yep i'm there at the front for Biomechanical / fourwaykill gig, gonna be a stormer. also thinking of machine head in london and possibly Therapy? as well.
er haven't checked out any nightclubs for ages, mainly because of getting back or hanging around london for the rest of the night (done that a couple of times but getting a bit dodgy now! ) but i heard the new one at the astoria is good.