Gimme gimme gimme tips please


New Metal Member
Hi to all, I'm a noob in this world, searching for good advices... and I find there's no better place than here

I'm Carlos de Arquer, guitarist of the spanish band Masque of Death, whose last EP Ivory Cities was marvellously mixed by Erik Monsonis (hey, I see he's an authority here 8D). This Christmas I was given an UX2, and I began to learn to use it. Don't claim to achieve a professional level, as I couldn't ever find time for that, but now I've found a new tool for songwriting, and share with my bandmates all our ideas much much better than only... guitar pro :rolleyes:

Now I tried to make my first trial, thanks to many tips I could read in this forum, and this is the result GUITARS03.mp3

This is only guitar trials... drums are not very worked yet, as first track is Metal Foundry using Emericana preset, with a few changes; and in second one, they're "borrowed" from Paramore (by copyP technique), so sound very confusing. Bass is programmed

For guitars, I used some Poulin amps, 8505, Ignite, and Poulin's Lecab 2 as Cabinet. At cleans, I used POD farm 2. I think cleans are, at the momment, my worst ones

I wasn't searching for a saturated metal sound, but a soft rock distortion, in the way of Breaking Benjamin or More Than a Thousand

Hoping to improve this in the next months, I'd be really glad to hear for critiques; to know which are my biggest mistakes,

Kind Regards