Give me advice...

The Dope

Sep 19, 2002
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I need to venture out to the parking lot to start my car (which has been sitting since sunday) so that it will remain healthy and well-maintained. When should I go and what should I do for fun while I'm in the parking lot?

(this would be a poll, but it would be better to have reader responses rather than votes)
go in 15 minutes.

play duck duck goose with the cars, and run like you really think the car you 'goose' is going to start chasing you.
crawl, commando-style, under the other cars until you reach yours. shout GO! GO!, wave back at your building, then jump in and start it. spend 15 minutes revving the engine and twisting the wheel as if you were in a terrific car chase, then simultaneously switch the car off and hurl yourself out the front door. crawl back to the building.
i'm good at the following things:
-doing weird stuff
-appearing to have gone mad
-having fun while other people are just confused
Well, I'm off to head out to the parking lot, although I may skip out on the crawling, since it is a several minute walk. Maybe the duck duck goose thing would work though. Thanks for the ideas.