Give me


Auryn Studios
Jan 21, 2010
Basque Country
Hi Guys!!

A little preview of this week, is not the best one that I have done, the master have a distortion and I don´t like the overall sound, but I need an opinion to try different point of view, for this mix I like a lot the kick and snare sound for example...

My question for you guys, what do you think that can change in the other elements (guitars, bass, etc...) to better this?

I think that I can get some depth and better sounding bass, guitars...etc. Only with your opinion about the mix, can help me a lot, so...If you can hit hard to me, is ok for me hehehe :)

Come on guys!, let me know what you adding/remove to this mix, or give me your opinion!

Drums > Ezdrummer Basic
Guitars > EMG81 > UA Solo 610 > RME Fireface 800 > TSE X30 (1.3)
Bass > UA Solo 610 > RME Fireface 800 > Ampeg VST

Thanks a lot in advance to all, and for your time Efass-02.mp3


Thanks a lot for your answer man,I really appreciate it.

I will to try that you has said to me. I try a lot of tips like Haas effect, reverbs etc etc to get more depth and to send the instruments near/far on the mix,but 2 things...or I don't know well how can get the effect or I don't like the sound.

for all that are you reading this. Any tips,suggestion about this?

And of course if you can say more opinions about the mix,or what do you change the mix...

(Sorry if something is wrong in the text,my english is not the best one hehehe)

yeeeeeehaaa :)
