Give your opinion on my new song...

Aaron Smith

Envisage Audio
Feb 10, 2006
Seattle, WA
I simultaneously wrote/demoed this song over the last couple days.

I don't need opinions on any of the actual sounds, as it's all just Behringer V-Amp and then samples I programmed to a grid in Pro the cymbals are kind of fake sounding sometimes, and there are certain parts where the drums could do more fills, etc. Also I know the bass is out of tune here and there (plus I didn't spend any time at all writing unique bass parts)...

Anyway...what I WOULD like are opinions on just the actual song itself. Structurally, what do you think? Transitions? Is there a part that doesn't work well next to another part? I'm quite happy with the song myself, and I spent a good amount of time trying to be smart with the structure and transitions, but more opinions are always good, and people on this forum tend to have opinions that I would be likely to respect.

you know... i like it how it is... but the vocals will play a very big role...

WHOA!!! I love that riff/play around 2:04... thats fucking cool... you could build a whole song around that...

i also like the riff that comes in around 3:32... fuck dude...

i like how its shaping up and i cant really give you anything constructive other that keep it up!:kickass: :headbang:
i think the drums change alittle too much in the begining. I like the atmosphere, and the melodic parts are real nice. I get a killswitch feel in parts. I like the feel of this track, it's dark and mysterious. the lead tone, as well as the melodic stuff sounds really good actually. Better than most pod stuff i've heard - way smoother.

i realize your band is hardcore, but i think this song could do without the breakdown, and some of the chuggas. It would work really well with some clean vocals in there, kinda alice in chains. If you removed or made some of the more hardcore parts abit different you could have a really unique and great track. Don't get me wrong, i enjoy hardcore. The vocals can make or break this one as well.
Thanks for the input dudes.

The kick sample is actually Andy's...not for any particular reason, but just because when I was throwing together my template songwriting session, it was the first kick sample I came across and I figured it would work fine for rough songs such as this one, haha.

If you removed or made some of the more hardcore parts abit different you could have a really unique and great track.

I definitely agree with you on that. However I'm still quite fond of the "breakdown" riff that starts at 3:32...and I feel like it's different enough sounding from other "breakdown" parts out there that it's worth keeping.
As for the simple hardcore-ish verse riff in the earlier parts of the song, that was actually a riff I made a while ago and kind of discarded almost. Then lately my other guitar player comes along with the beginnings of that melodic intro part thing, and wants to use the old hardcore riff, haha. I definitely feel like it's the weakest part of the song, so maybe I'll get back to work and rework it or just come up with something else altogether.

Does anyone else feel like the drums change too much at the beginning there?

I of course will post a new version should I rework that hardcore riff.
Wow, I really like this song! Great overall feeling, very intense and epic. The transitions are pretty good, lots of interesting ideas. The only thing that I would criticize that the song could need a straighter main riff, since there are so many doomy/break parts in it.

Anyway, it's hard to judge the overall impression without vocals. What kind of vocals do you plan to use on this song?

Does anyone else feel like the drums change too much at the beginning there?

No, not at all! That's one of the parts I like most! Apparently, taste is different :)