Gladyss Patches - A Wish This Simple

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Gladyss Patches - A Wish This Simple
NFE Records - 2001
By Philip Whitehouse

Go to the Gladyss Patches website
Go to the NFE Records website

I've got a confession to make - I didn't think I was going to like this band at all. They can be labelled as nu-metal, and so I didn't think I'd like them one little bit. In fact, I considered briefly sending the disc back to Rodrigo, until I thought about the price of postage to LA compared with my weekly income. No, far better to just give them a cursory listen and a damning review, thought I.

Well, slap me round the face with a wet kipper if the initial cursory listen didn't wipe the cynical, know-all smirk right off my face. Gladyss Patches sound variously like Linkin Park (one rapper, one singer/screamer, electronic embellishments to the songs), and AFI (occasional reverb-laden, atmospheric clean-guitar melody led songs which turn into balls-out rockers), but with all the bad bits taken out. For instance, Linkin Park have an annoying habit of penning songs with only the barest of riffs in them, while Gladyss Patches tend to pack their ditties with catchy yet relatively intelligent riffs.

The rapping may not be quite as convincing as in other nu-metal bands, but the actual singing is top-notch. In fact, the singing is probably the main reason I like the band so much - it comes as a nice change after cookie-monster 'GROOOARGH's and ear piercing screams to hear someone who can actually hold a note. The songs pack more of a punch when they go heavy than Linkin Park could ever hope to have, and they also have a handy knowledge of song dynamics - when to go quiet and melodic, when to do a call-and-response 'sing/scream' verse, and when to rock out.

If theres anything particularly wrong with the album, it's the problem that plagues almost all nu-metal music - it's obviously geared towards commerciality, so its long-term appeal is questionable. While a band like Opeth will never have a radio hit but to fans will never grow boring, Gladyss Patches, through the music that they play, have effectively slapped a 'sell-by' date on their own foreheads.

For now though, it's a decent enough listen for me to put up with, and until I get bored of it, I won't tire of telling all and sundry that these guys, in an ideal world, would be right up Linkin Park's asses for the number one nu-metal spot.
