Glenn Danzig Disses Judas Priest

Mountain Man

Blow It All To Hell!
Feb 24, 2002
West Virginia
I was recently reading the September 2002 issue of Metal Maniacs that included a interview with Glenn Danzig concerning his new album – Danzig 7:77: I Luciferi (which in my opinion sucks.) Anyway the interview conducted by Vincent N. Cecolini had an overall weird vibe to it. During the interview, Cecolini stated: “The new album is one of your heaviest and hardest records to date.” Danzig oddly replied, “My idea of heavy metal is Motorhead. Judas Priest is not metal. If people like Judas Priest, who fucking cares? They can go fuck themselves. I never liked them and never will. Who does Glenn Danzig think he is to state, “Judas Priest is not metal?” Just ask the majority of the metal community (artists and fans) and they cite Priest as one of their main influences. Example, Arch Enemy’s Michael Amott (Carcass, Carnage & Spiritual Beggars) stated, “I love Priest, they are one of my favorite groups. They are very influential to the metal genre.” Now in my opinion, Amott is one of the best guitar players in metal and look what he had to say about Priest. Have you guys read the interview? What’s your take on it?
well danzig startd out in a punk band that was hard fast and loud just like motorhead so that could be on reasons he doesnt like judas priest cause imo judas arnt very hard and loud but yeah i read the interview thought it was pretty cool been a fan of danzig since he started the misfits
technically, forgive the spelling errors, I'm drunk as fuck, Motorhead is a punk band. Danzig is cool and all, but all his new shit is just that shit, his credibility is gone, fuck it who cares.....

by the way the Misfits with Danzig do kick ass and if anyone talks shit about them I'll find and eviscerate you
Judas Priest are far more "metal" than Danzig and Motorhead. Motorhead are like a punk/metal hybrid and Danzig I hardly even consider metal. Priest pretty much define the term "heavy metal". Especially on Painkiller, Defenders Of The Faith, Ram It Down, albums like that. Pure steel.
I saw Danzig back in'94 or '95 and he seemed a little pissy then too. He complained mostly about Mother being discovered years after it was made. But hey what the hell.
