Glenn Danzig has fallen, and can't get up...again


Ya Yellow Rat Bastid!!!
Jun 10, 2006
I saw Danzig a couple of weeks ago in Baltimore. During his set, Glenn fell off the stage and slammed shoulder first into the metal guardrail below. It turned out that Danzig separated his shoulder. I was surprised that he finished the set.

This is the 2nd time in 2 years that Glenn danzig has taken a big fall, I think he needs to order "Life Alert" that way he can press the button and yell like that old lady from the commercial "I've fallen, AND I CAN'T GET UP!!".
GLENN DANZIG Falling Off Stage In Baltimore; New Footage Posted Online -

Fan-filmed video footage of DANZIG performing the song "How the Gods Kill" at the opening concert of the band's current tour, on October 23, 2007 in Baltimore, Maryland, can be viewed below (courtesy of "jodaro55"). The group's frontman Glenn Danzig can be seen in the clip falling off the stage around the four-minute, nine-second mark (-1:10) before making his way back and finishing the song.
According to Rock N Roll Experience's Bob Suehs, who attended the Baltimore concert, Glenn "was in a bad mood after the fall — he cut the show short and he nixed the [scheduled] MISFITS set with Doyle [Von Frankenstein, ex-MISFITS] and was yelling at Todd Youth [guitar] the rest of the night telling him to slow down his playing. The story I was told from a security guard was that Glenn dislocated his shoulder, but I can't confirm that. However, he was hurt badly because he did not meet fans after the show... he ran directly to the bus and didn't come out."DANZIG cancelled its scheduled October 25 concert at The Worcester Palladium in Worcester, Massachusetts due to Glenn's shoulder injury.

To watch the video just click HERE
i'm a Danzig fan and all that, but funny is funny and i got a giggle out of that. :lol:
Glenn was very pissed at his road crew & guitarist Todd Youth. Glenn was yelling at his crew because a speaker (in front of the stage) for his mic was out, yelled at another member "Get the fuck out of my way". When the rest of the band came out for the encore, no one was sure if Glenn was coming out, and finally Glenn rushed out right before he had to start siging, and got right up in Todd Youth's face.

I've been a huge Danzig, Samhain & Misfits fan, and I give Glenn a lot of credit for finishing the set, but it was very unprofessional of him to go off on his crew in front of the whole crowd.

After the show was over, the crowd in Baltimore was pissed because Glenn didn't do any Misfits songs w/Doyle and started chanting "Bullshit".

Maybe Billy should make up a song about Danzig, like he did with King Diamond, Rammstein, & R.A.T.M. I'm sure there will be a good line in there about how Glenn got decked by that big bald guy after a concert in Arizona a couple years ago.
Many people see him as a joke nowadays, but I still like him. Sure, his last records can't stand up to his early work ("The Lost Tracks Of Danzig" showed that once again) but I like his integrity. Not like a former bandmate who turned an once legendary act into a disgrace...

If he'll ever reunite with John Christ, Eerie Von and Chuck Biscuits, I'd be sooo there.
I'm telling you right now you do not want to fuck with Danzig!!

I remember seeing this video some time ago where this big fat piece of shit was bothering Danzig backstage at a show and Danzig laid the guy out with one punch!!! It was classic!!

Nobody should EVER mess with Danzig!!!!
He's tough!! Just ask him..
Maybe Glen falls all the time because he is so top-heavy? He has all that brawn up top and those tiny little getaway sticks for legs. Kind of like standing a weeble on its head.
Maybe Glen falls all the time because he is so top-heavy? He has all that brawn up top and those tiny little getaway sticks for legs. Kind of like standing a weeble on its head.
Too funny bro!!

Hey Q,

Sorry about the underserved ass whooping last night... Not quite sure what Belichick was trying to prove except maybe sending a message to Mangina and the Jets... But even still he shouldn't have pummeled the Bills that badly.
They''re a classy organization and Dick Jauron is an awesome coach/guy!!
Too funny bro!!

Hey Q,

Sorry about the underserved ass whooping last night... Not quite sure what Belichick was trying to prove except maybe sending a message to Mangina and the Jets... But even still he shouldn't have pummeled the Bills that badly.
They''re a classy organization and Dick Jauron is an awesome coach/guy!!

Buffalo deserved it for sucking out loud at home, on national television. I don't think Belichik did it to be a prick. From what I understand, him and Jauron are good friends. Most importantly, you play to win. If Buffalo can't even force the pats to punt. They should expect to be bent over like that. The Pats 2nd teamers were able to pick up 1st downs on the ground when Buffalo knew they were going to run. There is no excuse for that shit. JP Losman is a terrible QB. He can't read a defense, throw a short/intermediate pass or check down his receivers. He can't even look off a defensive back. Jauron is an idiot for running a cover2/4-3 defense against a team that is thin at RB. Buffalo should have had a nickel defense on the field most of the night to make the Pats run. I would rather try to stop the run than watch Brady toss the ball around like it's a sandlot game. I never thought the Bills were going to win but, I thought they would at least come to play. Instead, the offense produces 10 points. 7 of which were on a pass the receiver had to come back for and the d-back fell down. Unless someone hires Tanya Harding to run a collapsable baton across Brady's throwing arm. The Pats are going to win the AFC and probably the Super Bowl. Any ideas of someone upsetting them were dashed when Tittsburgh laid an egg and the Colts continued to struggle.
Cheers to the Pats. :kickass:
I'm from Buffalo & a Bills fan, and I'd have to say that you're absolutely correct. I think after today, the Losman era is over in Buffalo. The Bills are still years behind the Patriots.