GloryHammer - Tales From The Kingdom of Fife

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
The Alestorm mainman got bored of swigging rum and went for a more true metal sound. I love this but of course I am the biggest cheese hound the world has ever seen. My metaphorical sword is up so to speak! Is yours?

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Our producer Lasse was finishing this up when we went to Germany to track drums in October for our new CD. This album is hilarious, Steel Panther of power metal. Lyrics are awesome. Its a concept album about enchanted unicorns invading Dundee.
Hahaha this sounds AWESOME. I just looked up their website, and I have to say, "The Epic Rage of Furious Thunder" is the single most power metal song title ever.
Is it wrong that I enjoy this album so much even though it's clearly poking fun at power metal stereotypes? "The Unicorn Invasion of Dundee" is so hilariously awesome that I think I'm going to have to buy this one.
Picked this up today (along with the new releases by Serenity and Volbeat). All of them were excellent as far as my tastes run but "Takes From the Kingdom of Fife" struck me as particularly entertaining. I don't know if it was my mood or if the album is really that good but it was all I could do not to keep re-spinning it!

In addition to "Angus MacFife," I especially enjoyed "Magic dragon" and "Hail to Crail." That said, every song seemed strong. I listened to it twice thru today and never felt an urge to skip past any of them.

Cheesy? Yeah, sure. But fun? Absolutely!