Gnaw Their Tongues

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I haven't recommended anything for a while around here, and this isn't a normal recommendation. Maybe they've even been talked about. This band/dude is truly messed up. Just go to their Myspace page and have a look and listen. They are black metal at heart, but they are more electronic and soundscapey than your typical black metal band. I have several of their albums, and they vary from really brutal and noisy to more subtle and frightening.

I think this band is about to catch on with more of the metal sites and mags. Anybody that has an album cover of a lady getting ready to chop off a dudes penis is worthy of some investigation.

warning it's not black metal AT. ALL. save maybe for the last track which has this relentless drum machine supporting the noisescape.

I like this project a lot, the An Epiphanic Vomiting of Blood album even better than the one with the soon-to-be-severed johnson. That guy sure has a taste for crafting greasy, cancerous spells clawing their way through layers of beautiful dirges (distorted samples of classical music). This is almost uplifting in its intolerable cruelty. Makes me think of late-Elend turned sexual offenders and snuff movie addicts.
The sound of the music isn't black metal, but the approach of total hatred/misanthropy/etc./etc. is black metal. Most reviews of their stuff refer to that aspect of black metal.
black metal promotes sitting in crappy couches in rooms in scandinavian mid-size towns listening to dissection tape dubs and drinking moonshine in the middle of the night

this is the real true essence of black metal