I thought this was going to be a follow-up to Ryan's thread.

I think it sounds great. Reminds me of bands like Spawn of Possession. It's a different mix in that kind of way, but I like it. Sounds like the real thing.

Some drums are a bit off at times, but that's one of the things that makes the mix remind me of Spawn of Possession :p

Only thing is that I'd have that spoken clip wayyy lower. It's kind of overpowering, and not too pleasing to the ears. Maybe you should cut some freqs from it, and attenuate it.
sounds soooooooooooooooo good man, you are improving a bunch each mix you do, and you dont do the same thing with each mix! props man!
guitars are a bit loud imo, as well as the spoken clip as sopulurn said.
are the toms mono dude? sounds strange...
i'd also pan the overheads wider if its possible.
and the guitars sound a bit....hm....i dunno, washy? cant put my finger on it though...did you put some overdrive or gainboost before the amp? could be that one...
if you manage to fix that as well as edit the drum-offtiming i guess you will have a very powerful mix there ganks!
guitars are a bit loud imo, as well as the spoken clip as sopulurn said.
are the toms mono dude? sounds strange...
i'd also pan the overheads wider if its possible.
and the guitars sound a bit....hm....i dunno, washy? cant put my finger on it though...did you put some overdrive or gainboost before the amp? could be that one...
if you manage to fix that as well as edit the drum-offtiming i guess you will have a very powerful mix there ganks!

Oh shitttt. I might have forgotten to pan the toms, but I don't think so.
They should be panned 53% L & R. But I'm not sure.

I've got TS before the amp, but the settings are VERY, VERY modest. I just wanted to tighten up the low end. The washy-ness may be coming from the actual amp. The gain is surprisingly low, so I'm not sure.

The bass in this track is fucking massive. Could that make the guitars sound washed out?

As far as the overheads, they are panned 100% L and R. My recording environment is much less than shitty, so I can't spread my actual overhead mics out that much. Once I get a better live room, I can fix that problem. I've got that problem with other mixes. :(

Thank you for the advice! I will work on the things you pointed out.
Also, we're in the process of recording vocals so i'll update the clip once those get put in!
sounds soooooooooooooooo good man, you are improving a bunch each mix you do, and you dont do the same thing with each mix! props man!

Thanks broooo. :]
It's honestly thanks to this forum that I've gotten anywhere at all.

I'm ready to hear a new mix from you!!!!
Oh shitttt. I might have forgotten to pan the toms, but I don't think so.
They should be panned 53% L & R. But I'm not sure.

I've got TS before the amp, but the settings are VERY, VERY modest. I just wanted to tighten up the low end. The washy-ness may be coming from the actual amp. The gain is surprisingly low, so I'm not sure.

The bass in this track is fucking massive. Could that make the guitars sound washed out?

As far as the overheads, they are panned 100% L and R. My recording environment is much less than shitty, so I can't spread my actual overhead mics out that much. Once I get a better live room, I can fix that problem. I've got that problem with other mixes. :(

Thank you for the advice! I will work on the things you pointed out.
Also, we're in the process of recording vocals so i'll update the clip once those get put in!

were they panned or did my ears betray me that much? :lol:
a pitty about the overheads...i've got the same problem with my bands stuff...fucked up the overheads during recording and now FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-...but yeah, you have to make the best out of it...and the overheads werent sounding bad, i just thought that would them even better ;)

as for the guitars i really have no idea...i didnt think that you overgained them, i thought the overdrive before the amp was the bad guy...strange, but i think you get a good tone anyway with that one.
i dunno if it could be the bass...after a night of mixing my ears are fucked up anyway, i cant tell right now :loco:

im curious for the vox :headbang:
i think that mix will kick some ass when finished :kickass:
is that sample from kalifornia?
wait no..
i dunno

cool mix though, maybe a bit harsh in the high mids?

I'd cut some hi-mids in the guitars, but otherwise I love how they sound. Like metaljonesay said kicks is really clicky, I feel it is disconnected from the rest of the kit. And yeah that spoken part is too loud. And there ia bad edit at around half of the song, the guitars cut. Playing is a bit sloppy but it's fine, I'm kind of sick of 100% quantized songs.
dude, great guitar tone... drum samples are killing me man, get SSD?

Thanks bro. I've been trying to get a really thick, beefy guitar tone like this for a while, but I haven't managed to until now!

It's funny that you'd say that about the drums because they're SSD. I did a lot of processing on the snare, and hardly any on the kick. I needed the really clicky kick to cut through the wall of guitars. Haha. I may blend it with another sample. Thanks for pointing that out!

is that sample from kalifornia?
wait no..
i dunno

cool mix though, maybe a bit harsh in the high mids?


I love mids. I'm not sure why, but I just feel like it makes everything sound so thick. I may have overdone it here, so I'll lower it a little.

And yesssss, it's from the interview on Natural Born Killers!

Fucking badass movie!

I'd cut some hi-mids in the guitars, but otherwise I love how they sound. Like metaljonesay said kicks is really clicky, I feel it is disconnected from the rest of the kit. And yeah that spoken part is too loud. And there ia bad edit at around half of the song, the guitars cut. Playing is a bit sloppy but it's fine, I'm kind of sick of 100% quantized songs.

Yeahhh, I'm going to address the mids on the guitars a little, and the kick.
I still have no idea how to quantize drums, and I'm completely broke so I can't pay for editing services.

If anyone would like to enlighten me, please feel free! :)
I probably need to read Adam's Slip Editing Tutorial.
Thank you so much for the advice and kind words everyone!
I'm going to update this mix tonight with a new kick, and little less harsh guitars and i'll need more opinions!
Jesus man that sounds incredible! Would ou object to throwing the individual tracks up minus EQ etc? Something like this would be awesome to learn from...

I've always struggled with the inputs of everything, I don't know what the instruemnts should sound like in a mix ya know? So it's shooting in the dark... if you could post up the individual parts like bass guitar and drums just 3 tracks or 4 if there's 2 guitars un altered, and just what they sound like when recorded straight in you'd really help me out, no doubt alot of others too!

Also do you record the tracks in mono or stereo? And lastly how many tracks do you have in total? Double tracked guitars?

anyway I know this is alot to ask hahaha but I'm still waiting for someone to do this so I can learn from it, and until someone can help me out I'm just shooting in the dark all the time.

but seriously insane job it rules!

love the guitar tone!

thanks man

to Venemorte, a guy but a mix up to mix for money but you mightaswell download it and listen to it and practice mixing with it, its what i did and also +1 to letting us mix this aswell :D