God Dethroned


Sep 9, 2006
God Dethroned, one of the less talked about Blackened Death bands around despite being on Metal Blade, I really like this band's stuff, and really need to get Bloody Blasphemy, the best things I've heard from the newer stuff is Nihilism and Into The Lungs of Hell, the new album seemed ok, it was really a step downward, I didn't like the smaples I heard too much, some ok stuff, some decent stuff, their best work is behind them, do you like God Dethroned and what albums do you like from them?
I think they have some decent songs...but they never had lasting value for me. It's like hey this sounds good...then I forget about them. They're not bad but they're not memorable in any way for me.
they're alright. I did enjoy one of their albums but i don't listen to them anymore. Everything about that band seems rather mediocre to me.
^:lol: I think the name God Dethroned fits the band if you consider how much blaspehmy and Anti-Christian themes plague the albums.
^Goatwhore seemed decent generally, nothing special, the best song I've heard from them has been that Cloven Hoof song off the latest CD, was their earlier more underground stuff better?
^:lol: I think the name God Dethroned fits the band if you consider how much blaspehmy and Anti-Christian themes plague the albums.

I don't doubt it. I guess it's the whole thing of basing what you do on opposing something, rather than just being something. Kinda like Immolation. Their lyrics have more references to Christianity than many Christian metal albums. Besides for their music, they are almost entirely defined by what they oppose, which is ironic.

I've heard the majority of their material, my favorite being "Lair of the White Worm". I agree that the new album wasn't all that good and definitely a step down from "Lair". Overall I think they're a decent band.