God Forbid/Children Of Bodom tonight


Aug 31, 2003
Yeah, I know God Forbid isn't popular here but I dig em a lot. I'm excited/nervous because it's my first concert since January 05(Queensryche). Haha, hopefully I haven't forgotten how to rock. :p

Maybe i'll meet the band and get pics. :err:
War_Blade said:
God Forbid sux....

Always nice when people add worthy comments to the thread, huh? :rolleyes:

Really though, I wouldn't mind seeing them live. I'm a fan of'em... I'd hate to see Bodom though.. I don't think they've put out anything worthy since Follow The Reaper. FTR and back was good though.
Bodom was ok. Alexi rules on guitar but i'm not too familiar with CoB's material so whatevah.

God Forbid tore the house down. Great energy from the band, great interaction from them to the crowd. All around awesome.

Setlist in no order:
The End Of The World
Chains Of Humanity
Force Fed
The Lonely Dead
Judge The Blood
To The Fallen Hero
Oh, I also met Byron(vocals) and Corey(drums) for a short while. I was surprised that Byron is so soft spoken and is not as big up close.

Corey was amused that I personally blamed him and only him for the ringing in my right ear.
okay, yea god forbid still sux, bunch of faggot metalcore...

not to mention their guitars are just horrible...

My younger cousin likes them and he has been playing guitar for about 6 months. He wanted my to show him how to play one of their songs (To the fallen hero) And he totally mastered it...

That is pretty lame if someone who has been playing for 5 months can master one of your songs from beginning to end perfectly...
War_Blade said:
That is pretty lame if someone who has been playing for 5 months can master one of your songs from beginning to end perfectly...

Yeah, because everyone knows the best music is only the type no one except the artist can play.
War_Blade said:
okay, yea god forbid still sux, bunch of faggot metalcore...

not to mention their guitars are just horrible...

You put a lot of thought into that. I'll consider blindly hating them now. :dopey:

War_Blade said:
My younger cousin likes them and he has been playing guitar for about 6 months. He wanted my to show him how to play one of their songs (To the fallen hero) And he totally mastered it...

That is pretty lame if someone who has been playing for 5 months can master one of your songs from beginning to end perfectly...

So? Who cares? Your younger cousin gets enjoyment out of playing and playing along to one of his favorite bands. That's a big part of what music is all about.
good shit man... i always felt GF put on a good show... lots of energy, and i think their presence live is tremendous... wish i could have saw it... glad you enjoyed...
Skeksis said:
You put a lot of thought into that. I'll consider blindly hating them now. :dopey:

So? Who cares? Your younger cousin gets enjoyment out of playing and playing along to one of his favorite bands. That's a big part of what music is all about.

im not saying anything about my cousin, if he wants to put trash in his ears thats up to him. I think it is lame that someone with such little experence can play a song from beginning to end. Im trashing on god forbid, not my cousin.

I gave god forbid a chance and i didnt like them, sorry i cant please everybody...