Oct 26, 2002
I've always liked God Forbid, but I thought they hadn't put out an album that was reflective of their potential.

Well, guess what?

EARTHSBLOOD is that album!

The songs are very well constructed, aggressive and musical, and epic.

The Opeth influence is there, yet it still sounds very much like a God Forbid album. I think this is an album that will be hard to beat when the Best Of 2009 lists come around. It will definately be in my Top 10.

Grab it if you can!
It's a great album indeed. God Forbid is definitely one of the best metalcorea acts out there nowadays, because they sound very original compared to all the mainstream shit. They've also got some mad instrument skills, because the solos on the CDs are just killer. The only thing that can get to your nerve is the cleans vocals. I mean, they are sound original etc, but sometimes they kinda fail. In every other way the album is just awesome. The riffs, the atmosphere and the songs as a whole are pure perfection. Best metalcore album in years.
I don't like this album that much and yes they are one of the few metalcore bands that can make good music, but this album for felt empty to me the only song I like was Gaia.I think they can do better.
i kinda liked what i heard on their myspace. the cleans are fine.
i dont hear any nu-metal in either band tbh. (i.e. rapping, turntables, cheap industrial sounding shit)
Thread cleaned and reopened.

I got this album, it's actually not bad at all, I agree. God Forbid are one of the "core" bands that are growing out of that "core" sound in my opinion.

FYI - Michael Romeo composed the opening intro bit to the album, pretty cool stuff (he's played some stuff on other albums as well).

Keep the thread on topic.
I'm sorry. This album sucks please don't buy it. I listened to it and its terrible. I'm being honest. It's just not God Forbid anymore. Enough said.
I love GF But didn't really like this one...maybe next time. I loved the last album..Wtf is Nu Metal about this album? or anything KSE has done? The only thing I can think is KSE is popular and so was Nu Metal. The person who said this should shutup. I'd give EB a 6.5/10 It's catchy and not bad but I liked COT and Gone forever more, nothing on this album is bash worthy.