I agree with an earlier poster that your avatar is an excellent representation of you as a person. Yes, I can certainly imagine that expression being on your face as you post HILARIOUS trolling threads on General Music Discussion! HAVE A JELLY BABY DICKFACE, BECAUSE YOU OWNED ME!
I'll take the opportunity here to state a couple of problems I have with you existing. There's one central theme - you suck. This isn't just run-of-the-mill sucking, this sucking is more akin to that you might find in a film named "16 Cocks, 500 Straws".
Let me elaborate. Your band is shit. Generic, pointless shit. Read this link:
Now cry because you have none. Just like the bands who influenced you, in fact. That's right - you have shit taste too!
Your posts aren't clever, they aren't funny, they aren't insightful. Even the people who're entirely anti-me won't find this funny or clever, because it's not. Go back to SOT where even THEY will slate your pathetic music but might *just about* tolerate the bag of douche that is each and every one of your posts, you worthless sack of Seattlean shite.
p.s. your mum listens to mortician.