GOD or Garage?


Granada Porch Crew
Feb 25, 2004
Ok, so I can't wait for the 14th to get here, if for no other reason then to find some new CDs.
That said, where will the next Evergrey come from? Has the next Kahn already been found? Bands like Dragon Force, Symphony X, or Threshold don't fall off trees, so who's gonna be the next Monster act to hit it big? Cloudscape maybe? Circus Maximus.......?:kickass:
Cellador has a lot of buzz right now. Another band that has been mentioned a few times is Heed.
Magius said:
Cellador has a lot of buzz right now. Another band that has been mentioned a few times is Heed.

Pass me whatever you're smokin'. When I look at the bands referenced in the original post I am brought to tears imagining that someone, anyone, would put Cellador in the same sentence as Symphony X or Circus Maximus. In my opinion, Cellador is bad, at best. You wanna know who's gonna shake things up at ProgPower??? Vision Divine! Yeah fine, they've got a few albums out, but they have really come into their own with Perfect Machine. Glenn knew exactly what he was doing with these guys. I'm not sure why you're looking elsewhere from this year's lineup to find a band worthy of blowing up. This years bands may not be the biggest draws in the festival's history, but in future years will return with a greater respect and following then they currently command.
rockyracoon said:
Pass me whatever you're smokin'. When I look at the bands referenced in the original post I am brought to tears imagining that someone, anyone, would put Cellador in the same sentence as Symphony X or Circus Maximus. In my opinion, Cellador is bad, at best. You wanna know who's gonna shake things up at ProgPower??? Vision Divine! Yeah fine, they've got a few albums out, but they have really come into their own with Perfect Machine. Glenn knew exactly what he was doing with these guys. I'm not sure why you're looking elsewhere from this year's lineup to find a band worthy of blowing up. This years bands may not be the biggest draws in the festival's history, but in future years will return with a greater respect and following then they currently command.

My, you're always so pleasant. I did notice that you convieniently ignored the original post's reference to "Bands like Dragon Force..." Either that or I can assume that while most of us who read the thread realized the reference was to Dragonforce you apparently didn't unerstand that part.

Cellador is probably THE closest thing to Dragonforce without being Dragonforce. Some might even that they are as fast, but better than Dragonforce., hence the referal.

So dry your tears, and you and your prog-snob attitude have yourselves a good day.
Magius said:
My, you're always so pleasant. I did notice that you convieniently ignored the original post's reference to "Bands like Dragon Force..." Either that or I can assume that while most of us who read the thread realized the reference was to Dragonforce you apparently didn't unerstand that part.

Cellador is probably THE closest thing to Dragonforce without being Dragonforce. Some might even that they are as fast, but better than Dragonforce., hence the referal.

So dry your tears, and you and your prog-snob attitude have yourselves a good day.

I actually love DF. Not sure why you think your post was to be interpreted as exclusive to Dragonforce.

I was gonna post more, but then your post was just so Magical. So I say just let it ride. I love DF btw...