goddamn zombie tour diary from novembers doom, woods of ypres tour

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
"Bought trailer hitch
rented trailer
trailer hitch didn't fit the Jeep
Jeep wouldn't start
Thursday morning, wiring gets fixed, Jeep starts
we have no $ and are scrounging to comedic lengths
get past George Washington Bridge without problems - Will & I have a sigh of relief (reference to previous driving issues)

4AM - Will & I wake up, start cleaning out the Jeep, pick up Chris (calamitas) & Ken (gdz singer) at 8. On the drive up, discover the town of Mianus, CT. endless puns.
get to Worcester, got to Ralph's Rock Diner and were told load-in wasn't until 5:30. got food, walked around, met up with Alex (greatcthulu) and wandered around cemetery. we're told load-in wouldn't be until 7:30. waited around... and waited and waited and waited...
bands got there, started bringing in gear - bouncer checked IDs and told Alex he couldn't stay... Will and Paul told Alex he could do lights for Novembers Doom, so he could stay for the show... 'Make a Goddamn Wish Foundation'
Goddamn Zombie plays & does amazing. we met up w/dan & ari from shroud of berevement. Will runs ND's merch table, schmoozes with metal guys while Chris films for Woods of Ypres. Ken wanders around downstairs, I fall asleep standing up from being awake since 4am. show was fucking amazing tho.
1AM-ish we get out of Ralph's, intend to drive to Dan's (dreamneonblack) in Connecticut, but Will starts hallucinating while driving, so we stop at a hotel, check in @3am, eat at the diner where our bitch waitress treated us like criminals and flung our plates at us.
10-ish, wake up, head to Brooklyn
11:51AM - While listening to Woods IV, a suicidal pigeon (now named 'Suicide Cargobird' by Shane Madden) divebombed Will's car. More birds waited for us in the Stratford, CT Walmart parking lot, where we went to meet Dan.
get out of Jeep & see one of Ken's shoes on the roof - Will left them on the roof when they were packing earlier & forgot
met Dan and his girlfriend for lunch, hilarity ensued
get to Europa. it starts to rain as we carry gear in the side entrance, get to door & see a mile of stairs. met general zod and his wife. Will had to do merch for ND again, and Chris filmed for Woods
About 2 hours before the Delaware show, Will realizes that he left the *Will takes over for this part of the story* (now dead) laptop charger at Europa in Brooklyn. Upon freaking out, we went to Walmart to: a) bother his coworkers and b) hope the Universal Laptop Charger would fit the HP Mini... but, NO! No charger would fit. Then, Best Buy... we found a charger that seemed to fit. We let Chris know, and we left for Mojo 13 in Wilmington.
We got there at 3:30, and nobody was there to let us load in (as we were told 3 or 4). Nov. Doom arrived, and Will's panic got worse. Chris arrived with charger. No workey! Oh shit... They went to Radio Shack... nothing! Will's confident in one thing: GZ would have to cancel their appearance, as the laptop is used for the backing tracks.
Will & Chris went to Staples, and no chargers fit. Worker suggested they go to the service desk to ask what sizze plug would be needed. The guy at the counter said "oh... that has to be special ordered"... SHIT!!! That was it... the end of the line...
"Actually, a woman ordered one a month ago and never picked it up."
We tried it, and it worked!
*Laura takes the story over from this point* Will filmed Woods, and I watched ND & GDZ merch. all bands played great. David Gold tried to get Paul to do guest vocals on "Wet Leather", but he was sick and didn't want to use any of their mics. Larry did, though!
During Novembers Doom's set, Paul sang the chorus of "Wet Leather" during "Autumn Reflections". Classic!
*Will takes over again* The tour was an incredibly fun time, and we hope to go back on the road soon... maybe in to Ohio or down through Virginia. We'll see. It was a great experience for all of us, and we couldn't be more grateful to Novembers Doom, Woods of Ypres, Gwynbleidd, and Willy G.!