Gods of metal - fantastic show!!!

hmmm i would have gotten either alternative 4 or judgement, but the end sucks kind of, and didn't have either. Oh well, in good time i will get them.
And yeah haha that purple guitar is the shit
MetalSteph said:
Very nice photos. My two cents........

Ummmm..... WD - did you really wear the fangs from the "I, Voyager" video shoot live?


And Jim, Very nice taste in tees!


And Steve.... Glad to see that even though you're playing in Nevermore that you're still comfortable enough with your manhood to play a pink or purple guitar. :tickled:

fangs and kilts fangs and kilts...i'm gonna get me some fangs and kilts....
Nice one,Dragonlady!(I'll check your website as well)I wish I was there....and WALDROCK...(that was too late to book the ticket)
But, I'll be WACKEN!!Is anyone going???