Gods of Metal Festival


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

It's amazing that they can get so many A-listers on one bill. Most bands are headliner material.


2005: Maiden, Slayer, Motley Crue, Megadeth, Anthrax, Malmsteen, Obituary, etc

2004: Priest, UFO, Nevermore, Alice Cooper, Testament, Motorhead, WASP, etc

You have to admit, whether you're into old school or not, those are some legendary fucking names right there.

And it's in Italy.
I'd love to attend this one - the only difference between this and the majority of other big Euro Festivals (save for perhaps Dynamo Open Air) is that due to sheer caliber of the bands playing, there only ends up being like 10 bands on the bill instead of the usual 30 or more. But DAMN does it ever draw the crowds too.
JayKeeley said:

It's amazing that they can get so many A-listers on one bill. Most bands are headliner material.


2005: Maiden, Slayer, Motley Crue, Megadeth, Anthrax, Malmsteen, Obituary, etc

2004: Priest, UFO, Nevermore, Alice Cooper, Testament, Motorhead, WASP, etc

You have to admit, whether you're into old school or not, those are some legendary fucking names right there.

And it's in Italy.

Shit, I'd give a nut and a half to attend this. It bloody sucks to be as broke as I these days... :erk:
Dark One said:
o_O :zombie: :guh:

I'll take Twisted Sister, Motorhead, AC/DC and a helluva lot of beer please.

Twisted Sister, I can see in NJ 3x a year. Motorhead, blech (yeah, I said it). AC/DC, cool for sure, but those are not the bands I want to see as headliners.

I'm with Ali, last year ruled.
JayKeeley said:
I wish I'd gone this year. That's a dream line up. Got every album, know all the songs, etc.

Generation Swine was a crap disc though :loco:

It would be great to see a metal show in Italy ... that is a country I would like to revisit someday
markgugs said:
Twisted Sister, I can see in NJ 3x a year. Motorhead, blech (yeah, I said it). AC/DC, cool for sure, but those are not the bands I want to see as headliners.

I'm with Ali, last year ruled.

Oh I don't disagree, I just meant in the context of those choices, those are the bands I'd settle on if I had to attend the fest (but again, definitely under the alcohol fueled mentality).
Well, for the *most* part, Maiden, Slayer, Crue, Megadeth, etc are going to play their "greatest hits" at this point in their careers.

For sure, this is all about nostalgia, which I have no problem with. :loco: I'm sure it's amazing in a live festival setting, under the Italian sun, etc. All that cheese metal to go with the Roman wine.

One year they had Anathema play back to back with Dio or something of that nature. It's just a glorious hotchpotch of A-list bands.
JayKeeley said:
Well, for the *most* part, Maiden, Slayer, Crue, Megadeth, etc are going to play their "greatest hits" at this point in their careers.

For sure, this is all about nostalgia, which I have no problem with. :loco: I'm sure it's amazing in a live festival setting, under the Italian sun, etc. All that cheese metal to go with the Roman wine.

One year they had Anathema play back to back with Dio or something of that nature. It's just a glorious hotchpotch of A-list bands.

This is definitely true. And I think it prolly maxes out at around 8,000 people or so, a great # - not too big, not too small.

I just wish it wasn't so early! Flights to Europe are always brutal in the late spring/early summer. :erk: