Godsmack's new single...


Jan 11, 2006
Maybe this is a trend. But Godsmack's new single 'Speak' is going towards actual metal. Instead of just hanging in the post-grunge/nu-metal genre.

I think that groups like Avenged Sevenfold, Children of Bodom, Trivium, Disturbed, are making some room for metal (with some quality instrumentals) to become popular again. Hopefully it isn't too watered down. But maybe I can start enjoying the radio again.. in a couple years.
Godsmack I have always been partial to. They have always been heavy enough, and originally had the whole Alice In Chains-esque sound *name included.* I can't say I have been into their last few albums as I was the self titled, but I always give them the benefit of the doubt. And I agree, I think the new single sounds great; Hopefully the rest of the album is more like this.

As for radio, metal doesn't exist in the commercial atmosphere. I almost shit myself when I heard Avenged Sevenfold on the radio. But take away the music and look at the current image (Goodbye emo, helloooooooooo GNR) and that's what America looks for. Marketing and Imaging. Not the music itself. We'll probably never see a world with true metal on FM :(.
VenomGA said:
Children of Bodom was not metal???

I didn't say that. I'm saying that they have had some broader spectrum popularity, which is helping to change the 'rock' genre to allow more 'metal' groups to gain air time. CoB is definitely metal. And I love their latest album.

Blackened Dawn -- We'll see how the new GNR album takes off. I am looking forward to it. Especially after Slash disappointed me with Velvet Revolver.

I will disagree with Guitar World... about Hawthorne Heights. I cannot get into them, and I dont' think they show anything special with the guitar.
BlackenedDawn said:
Godsmack I have always been partial to. They have always been heavy enough, and originally had the whole Alice In Chains-esque sound *name included.*
To my ear, Godsmack sound as if they tried to blend AiC and Black-era Mettalica. The first disc is solid. The ones that followed are not.

With all the quality bands currently in the underground metal scene, why would you even need to bother with commercial radio?

There is nothing remotely metal about Avenged Sevenfold. They were a crappy pop punk band that attempted a darker image (ala AFI), by applying black nail polish, black album covers, and eyeliner. If this is all it takes for you to be pleased by a band then it amazes me that you would be on this forum.
Jasonic said:
With all the quality bands currently in the underground metal scene, why would you even need to bother with commercial radio?

There is nothing remotely metal about Avenged Sevenfold. They were a crappy pop punk band that attempted a darker image (ala AFI), by applying black nail polish, black album covers, and eyeliner. If this is all it takes for you to be pleased by a band then it amazes me that you would be on this forum.
Ah, the open-mindedness of some people on this forum is refreshing.
TheWhisper said:
Ah, the open-mindedness of some people on this forum is refreshing.

I am extremely open-minded.
I listen to a lot of non-metal bands.
It seems though like he is searching for a way to validate that Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, and Godsmack are metal, when they aren't in any stretch of the word. If you like the bands, that is great. To say they are going to carry the torch for bringing metal to commercial radio is simply ridiculous.
Jasonic said:
I am extremely open-minded.
I listen to a lot of non-metal bands.
It seems though like he is searching for a way to validate that Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, and Godsmack are metal, when they aren't in any stretch of the word. If you like the bands, that is great. To say they are going to carry the torch for bringing metal to commercial radio is simply ridiculous.
I agree with you man,those bands are a sorry excuse for metal, no an embarassment!!! those bands will never get bands like symphony x, brainstorm or evergrey on the radio!!:Smug:
Cheiron said:
Maybe this is a trend. But Godsmack's new single 'Speak' is going towards actual metal. Instead of just hanging in the post-grunge/nu-metal genre.

I think that groups like Avenged Sevenfold, Children of Bodom, Trivium, Disturbed, are making some room for metal (with some quality instrumentals) to become popular again. Hopefully it isn't too watered down. But maybe I can start enjoying the radio again.. in a couple years.

ofcourse they are...nu-metal is out and metalcore whatever is. Popualr bands on big labels tend to go with what's popular so they can remain popular. they probabaly have death vox on the new cd as well
General Zod said:
To my ear, Godsmack sound as if they tried to blend AiC and Black-era Mettalica. The first disc is solid. The ones that followed are not.


I found just the opposite... the riffs on their first album are incredibly simplistic to the point where they quickly become boring. As they progressed they gradually figured out how to write (somewhat) more complex riffs and add some much-needed dynamics to their songs.

Still, while I've thought some of their stuff has been OK, I've never felt a strong desire to actually buy any of their albums.
Jasonic said:
With all the quality bands currently in the underground metal scene, why would you even need to bother with commercial radio?

There is nothing remotely metal about Avenged Sevenfold. They were a crappy pop punk band that attempted a darker image (ala AFI), by applying black nail polish, black album covers, and eyeliner. If this is all it takes for you to be pleased by a band then it amazes me that you would be on this forum.

AFI has never been a crappy pop-punk band, and they didn't try to darken their image. When they first started, they were a straight up punk band and then moved into hardcore. After that, their albums were kind of goth influenced punk and now they're a rock band with synthesizers. It isn't an image. Davey, the singer/songwriter/lyricist, has always dressed weirdly. He also listens to a lot of goth stuff such as VNV Nation, Bauhaus, Joy Division, etc. It isn't an image. It's a natural progression of their music. If you're so blind as to realize that not all bands try to sell their music with an image, why are you even on this forum?
Jasonic said:
I am extremely open-minded.
I listen to a lot of non-metal bands.
It seems though like he is searching for a way to validate that Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, and Godsmack are metal, when they aren't in any stretch of the word. If you like the bands, that is great. To say they are going to carry the torch for bringing metal to commercial radio is simply ridiculous.

First of all, you're a fucking retard if you think that A7X, Godsmack and Disturbed aren't metal. WTF are they then?? R&B?? Hip Hop?? WTF do you consider 'metal'??

A7X could be ANY power-metal band if you just listen to the music. They sure as fuck ain't Green Day. Put Toby Sammett in that band, and it's just like Edguy. Same style of music writing. You know I'm right.

Godsmack and Disturbed, while coming out in the 'nu-metal' genre period, they are definately exceptions to the rule. Bands like Drowning Pool, Flaw, Linkin Park, Cold, Limp Bizkit, etc... those bands had nothing to offer 'good' music. Godsmack and Disturbed are heavy, have great vocalists, and appeal to 'hard rockers' everywhere. How you can say they aren't even close to metal is beyond me.

What kinda 'metal' do you hear on the radio?? Sure as hell ain't anything anyone listens to on this forum. Not to say that anything on the forum is bad, it's just not 'radio' music.
monstershredder0003 said:
I agree with you man,those bands are a sorry excuse for metal, no an embarassment!!! those bands will never get bands like symphony x, brainstorm or evergrey on the radio!!:Smug:

Dude, metal is anything heavy. There's all sorts of metal. And you're 'butt-metal' is never going to make it on the radio. Why? Cuz it only appeals to a smaller demographic of the 'metal' community. Don't get me wrong, I like symx, brainstorm and evergrey... but the masses don't. But that's getting off the topic. The point is, if bands like A7X, Godsmack and Disturbed aren't played on the radio, there's 0% chance any of your favorite bands will ever get there.

A7X is like marijuana. It's a gateway. You get kids listening to A7X, and they'll move on to 'harder drugs' like SymX, Brainstorm, etc.
Regor said:
A7X is like marijuana. It's a gateway. You get kids listening to A7X, and they'll move on to 'harder drugs' like SymX, Brainstorm, etc.

That is exactly what I first thought when I read through this thread. Gateway. The problem is that you are trying to explain this to the school of thought that does not want their precious 'real' metal bands anywhere near the radio or mainstream success. They think it will be the death of metal and take away from the exclusivity of knowing about underground bands. when in reality, the general health of metal is better off having a few flagship bands break through to the new school of young metal listeners...also known as a demographic. Metal is generally supported by people from the ages of 12-30, and thats giving it some depth, mainly because of places like this board. The 30-50 year old metal heads, while more common than in pervious years still does not make up the biggest buying public.

So if bands like AX7 can break through and get some airplay on radio and MTV, I say all the power to them. They ARE metal, they even have some neo-classical metal elements to their sound, which has never been a radio mainstay. With a different singer AX7 could easily play ProgPower and fit right in.

And as far as image goes, it has ALWAYS been a part of metal. Always. It comes with the territory. Whether the band is enjoying mainstream success, with radio and MTV, or merely playing in front of 3 toothless hillbillies screaming for "Freebird", you still dress the part. So if your thing is wearing a full on cod-piece and a tinfoil wrapped cucumber or you like being dark with tattoo's, all black goth clothing, dyed black hair, piercings, and eyeliner (oops, I just described Evergrey, guess they can't play ProgPower now) its an image to help sell your product...which is your music and written to sell albums, t-shirts, stickers, etc...I also love the bands that say, "our image is not having one". Um, that IS your image, dumb-dumb.

So, if bands like Disturbed, AX7, Godsmack, Sevendust or even some of the NU metal bands get some airplay...GOOD! Anything with heavy guitars, different vocals and a darker 'metal' image is good for the new school of metal heads. Kids dont just pick any random Symphony X CD, or the new Vanden Plas or the new Cannibal Corpse...or whatever anyone defines as real metal, they start with things more accessible to them and go from there. That means radio and MTV...so the more heavier style bands that can get to these kids the bigger chance they have of actually catching on to the bands that most likely influenced the AX7's of the world.

Everyone's definition of 'Metal' is different than the next. Many moons ago when I first started listening to heavier bands it meant something completley different than it does today...If I was growing up today I wouldn;t even know where to begin, but you can bet I would start with the radio.

I dont know man...the radio definitely serves a purpose and shouldn't be discounted just because a band is or isnt on it. Lighten up a bit and just support heavy music in general. Metal will NEVER take over radio, but a few bands that get lucky enough to get airplay will definitely help spur it along.

Ok, Im done. Thanks for reading. :kickass:
Joel-RZ said:
That is exactly what I first thought when I read through this thread. Gateway. The problem is that you are trying to explain this to the school of thought that does not want their precious 'real' metal bands anywhere near the radio or mainstream success. They think it will be the death of metal and take away from the exclusivity of knowing about underground bands. when in reality, the general health of metal is better off having a few flagship bands break through to the new school of young metal listeners...also known as a demographic. Metal is generally supported by people from the ages of 12-30, and thats giving it some depth, mainly because of places like this board. The 30-50 year old metal heads, while more common than in pervious years still does not make up the biggest buying public.

So if bands like AX7 can break through and get some airplay on radio and MTV, I say all the power to them. They ARE metal, they even have some neo-classical metal elements to their sound, which has never been a radio mainstay. With a different singer AX7 could easily play ProgPower and fit right in.

And as far as image goes, it has ALWAYS been a part of metal. Always. It comes with the territory. Whether the band is enjoying mainstream success, with radio and MTV, or merely playing in front of 3 toothless hillbillies screaming for "Freebird", you still dress the part. So if your thing is wearing a full on cod-piece and a tinfoil wrapped cucumber or you like being dark with tattoo's, all black goth clothing, dyed black hair, piercings, and eyeliner (oops, I just described Evergrey, guess they can't play ProgPower now) its an image to help sell your product...which is your music and written to sell albums, t-shirts, stickers, etc...I also love the bands that say, "our image is not having one". Um, that IS your image, dumb-dumb.

So, if bands like Disturbed, AX7, Godsmack, Sevendust or even some of the NU metal bands get some airplay...GOOD! Anything with heavy guitars, different vocals and a darker 'metal' image is good for the new school of metal heads. Kids dont just pick any random Symphony X CD, or the new Vanden Plas or the new Cannibal Corpse...or whatever anyone defines as real metal, they start with things more accessible to them and go from there. That means radio and MTV...so the more heavier style bands that can get to these kids the bigger chance they have of actually catching on to the bands that most likely influenced the AX7's of the world.

Everyone's definition of 'Metal' is different than the next. Many moons ago when I first started listening to heavier bands it meant something completley different than it does today...If I was growing up today I wouldn;t even know where to begin, but you can bet I would start with the radio.

I dont know man...the radio definitely serves a purpose and shouldn't be discounted just because a band is or isnt on it. Lighten up a bit and just support heavy music in general. Metal will NEVER take over radio, but a few bands that get lucky enough to get airplay will definitely help spur it along.

Ok, Im done. Thanks for reading. :kickass:

AMEN to THAT! :headbang: