Godspeed You Black Emperor...

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
...has got be one of the most, if not THE most, emotionally moving, mind bending, earth shattering bands I have ever heard in my life.

Lift Your Skinny Little Fists Like Antennas To Heaven and F# A# oo are EXCEPTIONAL.

Sadly, it took me over a year of owning to finally realize this.

Poo on you, I already have a MASSIVE thread on GY!BE, with at least 395,482 replies, why didn't you just bump that one?

Oh that's right, it had about 3 replies and was buried long ago. :loco:

I plan on picking up that Raise Your Antennae Like Skinny Dicks in Heaven (or whatever it is called) very soon. Got my tax refund today, maybe it's time! :kickass:
You really need to decide what I am, a spook or a my pals. :loco:

I'll order it tonight, I've actually been listening to CDs I buy lately, since I'm only getting 3 a month instead of 52 per day.
NAD said:
You really need to decide what I am, a spook or a my pals. :loco:

I'll order it tonight, I've actually been listening to CDs I buy lately, since I'm only getting 3 a month instead of 52 per day.

Spook = my pals

You're lucky I'm not calling you a jew as well. Three cd's a month. ;) j/k

Seriously though, I hear you on that. I have been taking a break as well. I am trying to save up for another car. Trying....:erk:
Hey now, just peruse ye old Latest Purchases thread from before you came around the forum, I was turning into a regular old 'Gugs right before everyone's eyes! I still have a few unwrapped CDs from those wacky spending days. Besides, I have a hefty car payment now, d'oh. Gotta win me the lottery... gotta start buyin' the tickets...
BloodStainedWalls said:
Spook = my pals
I still have a few unwrapped ones as well. :lol:

Yanqui U.X.O., while amazing beyond belief, is actually the worst of their 3 lp's. If you like Yanqui please obtain "Lift yr. Skinny Fists....." immediately. I listened to that at night the first time and my mind was thoroughly blown. Those 2 discs contain some of the most epic, atmospheric, eerie, emotional, and intense "music" i've ever heard. and it just gets better and better as it goes along, with 1 being the weakest ("weak", HAHA) of the 4, while the final stretch is mind-blowing. First time you listen to it just close your eyes and you can literally get lost, its one giant epic soundscape. Don't let people tell you "oh its predictable, follows the exact same formula", because thats a load of crap, it is random, wandering, and unpredictable. A lot of people only like the "buildups" but the ambient sections and samples are just as incredible. one of my top 5 albums of all time
That's the second dissertation on this album I've seen of yours, Sunlapse(_Vertigo). As if I wasn't already, but now it's completely set in stone, omgomgomg here it comes...!

regarding GYBE, my mom taught me "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all". I guess I'll take that advice concerning this craptacular band.
I think they are absolutely brilliant, the song sleep is one of the best I have ever heard. A Silver Mt Zion is good, but even more postmodern.
Definetally the most unique band ever. I own all their albums, and their live performance here last year, was mind blowing. So intense show, and they were just sitting in chairs. Not to mention that their cd packages (and especially the vinyl ones) are the most beautifull album packages ever. Silver mt Zion are amazing too.
Our superman was found dead in a telephone booth...
Bands you guys should check out if you haven't:

A Silver Mt. Zion (NAD!!!)
Explosions in the Sky
Do Make Say Think (I think thats the name)

That's actually all I cant think of right now _^_^