Going to California with an achin'...


Bef Koning
Oct 31, 2002
Portland, OR
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Hi maidens and fans. I'll be in L.A. to play at the Wilshire for some A-n-R showcase Fri Mar 14 thru Sun Mar 16. Any advise on what to do Fri night Mar 14th? Also, if there are any open seats for a trip to the San Diego Canes show, I'm not too psycho and can help with gas, etc. I worked with the maidens for a couple shows on the N.W. Tour, so hopefully you can vouch for my character!
DAX!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU! YEAH!!! We'll be hauling ass back from Arizona all day and would LOVE to have you join our local stage crew ranks and take you to San Diego. The last time we played CANES we had a YAHOO come up on stage and knock into Wanda during Aces High and her wireless fell off her amp...a real freak. It took 3+ guys to get him down the floor and out of there. We would greatly appreciate it. Make sure you let me know your updated info /cell number etc. brucechickinson@theironmaidens.com
Actually, it only took two of us to tackle him. The bouncer showed up afterward to pick him back up and THROW him out the door.

We've gotta get Adrianne's hubby to Quicktime file that video so it can be put on the website. :Saint:
Really? At the show over last weekend at Kozmos, it was the women that were grabbing the womens' legs.

I swear, we get all kinds in California... :lol:
Hey Dax!
I just got done watching some vid from the Portland show. Ah, the memories! You'll like Canes~ it's right on the strand~ you can see the beach from the stage.