Going to NYC in August


Anssi Tenhunen
We just agreed to go to New York for ~*10 days in August with a friend I met while I was in Minnesota, but since we both have never been there, suggest me the places that you think are "must" to go and see other than the Statue of Liberty. We both like metal music, if that helps at all.

- Anssi
Just walk Manhattan with a little guide and you'll find everything.
There are some good instrument stores like SamAsh where I bought a guitar.
160 West 48th Street

In August weather will be hot! Specially for a northern guy.
Generation Records in Greenwich Village is pretty awesome. Haven't gone there in like 7-8 years though I live just north of NYC. Hmmm....think I may make a trip soon. Found some cool used gear at Rogue Music too. It's in the vicinity of Madison Square Garden and Penn Station. Sold/bought some gear for the engineer I interned for there as well.