Going to see In Flames, Trivium, Veil of Maya tonight


Apr 19, 2009
My friend won tickets and I get to be the +1 so I'm stoked, haven't seen IF since the Clayman tour. Last time I saw them I remember they were using 5150 BL's and maybe even the 5150 cab? not sure, that was in Dec. of 2000. Also have not heard the last 2 records, Come Clarity is the last one I have. Really hope they play the oldies. I'll try and take some pics of the board in this place, I saw Tesseract there and forgot to take any, it's a nice system. I'll also try to take some of their backline if I can get anywhere close enough.:headbang:
Had a great time, better than one could hope...the show was awesome, sounded fantastic. Afterward me and my friends went down the street to a shitty dance club, at one point I turn around and both Anders and Peter are standing there chilling :zombie:. So we walked over and partied with them for a while, these dudes are fuckin awesome and super nice guys!



I managed to get one good shot of the board after the show too.

They're just not the band they used to be. Play WAY too much new shit, and sounded pretty bad the other day... then again, there's not ONE original member left in the band. Anders sorta counts...
Yah I agree, but what the hell it was free. They didn't play anything from LS, TJR, Whoracle or Colony iirc. I cant believe that a band could just not play a song from one of those albums. The place has awesome acoustics and the sound was incredible though. They are still using the 5150's, I saw that much of the rigs but there was a huge light setup in front of all the amps so it was hard to see anything. We missed VoM but saw a few songs from Trivium and they sounded awesome too.
They're just not the band they used to be. Play WAY too much new shit, and sounded pretty bad the other day... then again, there's not ONE original member left in the band. Anders sorta counts...

Bjorn is, but since he started playing guitar the band has gone downhill. Also so weird that VoM is on this tour
Yeah I guess Bjorn counts... despite Jesper doing the original drumming, lol. He's not a bad guitar player he's just not the writer the other two were.. and Engelin is good but, I like his old Gardenian stuff on its own.
Saw the in 2002 in they only played episode 666, moonshield, and behind the space from the oldies, and everyone in the public was like "what the fuck they are playing"
I saw them on the taste of chaos tour (2010 i think) and the only song from Clayman was Pinball Map... which was epic, but aside from that its all the new stuff...