Going to work with a hangover...the sequel


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
Making up for a shitty alcohol-free weekend, I had my "study" group last night. We studied the short-term physiologic effects of large quantities of ethanol, which probably won't help for the exam, or for my headache this morning, but helped burn a bit of stress.

The fun continues tonight, as my soccer team always goes out after our game...if I can just find an excuse to drink tomorrow night, I'll be set for the week, as the long weekend starts Thursday :grin: :grin: :grin:

Ty, I know it's not as wild and crazy as your escapades, but I'm old and married now :) so I'll just settle for a few beers when I can get them.

Who's got wild plans for the weekend?
Well my friend, we are on opposite ends of the spectrum. You like to go out and have a little fun because you are domesticated. My sprees are a direct result of my domestication coming to an abrupt halt, and since I have no one to come home too, rather than sit around and loathe myself, I go to the bars and have fun. I do not however intend on spending the rest of my life in those fucking places. I envy you my man. A nice wife and a couple of nice kids, this is all I want. Well, I spose I'll go have a beer now.........
... My friend Heather said she is coming home this weekend and basically said to me "Ty you are taking me to church." Now she is not my g/fm but we have been friends for years and years, and everyone knows how it is, the female is the real boss in any relationship, so I said "OK" (the blonde hair and blue eyes don't her case at all:grin: ) But, I haven't been to church since like 1996, Heather since 1999, and neither of us belong to any particular denomination, so I haven't a clue where we are going. She also said "we are going out and getting shit faced Saturday night before we go to Church." Gotta love her!!:muahaha: And I don't have to work Friday, so I will probably be out among the living Thursday night (an underrated night for partying people, believe me).....
Being the boss in any relationship is a small consolation when you consider what we have to go through in order to get it (i.e. the cleaning up after your sloppy asses and dealing with your family etc.). :lol: On the other hand, my husband never listens to me and then tells everyone I run his life. I would like to know when I actually accomplish that because if he actually did listen, my life would be a lot easier (yet probably even MORE boring!!).

Hungover (and possibly still drunk) Ty in church...now THERE'S a story we need to hear on Monday.
Yeah this tale could be interesting, I don't know what prompted her to want to go to Church (aside from the obvious: it is Easter) but she has never wanted to go any other Easter.......she must be doing more sinning than I thought, and why on earth do I have to take her to church???? This could be a "FUN" weekend.