Gojira - Remembrance cover with vocals


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France

After posting a thread saying I don't check this part of the forum anymore, now I do exceptionally:) I'm going back to playing guitars these days, and learning singing, so I thought doing some covers would be a good way to progress.

I plan on having fun with this by making a video out of it, so it's basically 95% live (each guitar or bass track is made of only 2 or 3 punch ins, with a little editing though to correct the biggest mistakes especially in the end at one or two points where the timing is tricky) to keep its raw feel and to keep it realistic with my actual level of playing.

The novelty here is that I gave vocals a try, I need training to be able to keep pushing hard... Anyway I'm open for constructive criticism for those vocals, I'm trying to find something both decent and comfortable for my voice !

It's a first mix, didn't take time to listen to it with fresh hears so it might be unbalanced but I think it's one of my best so far ! Especially cause I haven't mixed in a year or so !


https://dl.dropbox.com/u/881054/Renders/YT - 1 - Gojira - Remembrance-002.mp3

Oh and yeah, it has tape/console emu/comp/limiter on the 2bus, so it's premastered for perspectives, not just the mix.
Very good for my ear,that's that Gojira brutal sound,snare is irritating :),work on your grit,search for Melissa Cross on you tube.
Nice, awesome song choice!
The first thing that stands out is that there is a lack of cohesion between everything, particularly the cymbals and snare.
Yeah it's just a first mix, I was actually not paying too much attention to the mix itself !
I'm definitely gonna go back to it, it was more about the voice than the mix. I didn't edit the snare velocities so much for example.

Yeah I know the Melissa Cross exercises but for the moment I'm doing some clean exercices first :)

If you like the song, then you'll like my youtube video, I'm planning an awesome video just for fun :)

EDIT : but yeah I'm probably gonna polish the mix a little more before (like add other samples of the snare cause i realized it's a bit edgy), I already edited some part in the final breakdown because the rythm was not correct at some point