Gojira: The Way of All the Flesh

I'm a big Gojira fan.

The new album The Way of All the Flesh was slated to be released in the US on October 14th.

I'll be hitting up the mom and pop music store tonight to get my hands on a copy, but I'm wondering if anyone else has had a chance to listen to the new disk.

What are your thoughts on it and how does it compare musically with the last album From From Mars To Sirius (which came out almost 3 years ago.)

I would love to be able to discuss this album!

I love the new one from first listen, but haven't given it enough listens yet to fully digest it, been busy listening to other stuff currently. Been awhile since I have listened to from mars to sirius, so my comparisons right now wouldn't do any good, but it is definately a worthy disc, but I will give the new one a good listen tomorrow.
There are 2 sub-par tracks (3 and 7), but everything else on the disc kicks ass. The rest of the songs more than make up for those 2 and this will probably end up in my top 5 for the year. This band is wonderful.
So I picked up this disk last night. I've only given it one spin while here at work, I do like the album, but can see how it will take a few spins to "digest".

The Way of All Flesh has a heavier sound that from Mars does although I kind of miss the distinct changes that From Mars had. The Art of Dying stands out as my favorite track so far due to the changes and the different sounds with in it.

I agree that this album will most likely be in my top 5 of the year. I'll post a longer review/discuss more after I've listened to the entire disk at least once through.

all I can say is Holy Shit....I never took you seriously when you said this band was good until I listened to their new album.

I can't stop listening to it!!!

Damn, Gojira has already worked their way up into my current top 5 favorite bands.
I, on the other hand, find this band totally laughable and think they are one of the worst things to happen to metal since Korn.

man, that's harsh. :loco:

from what little Patrick Hoyt has played for me, I'm finding this band much more bearable than when I first ever heard them (about 4 or 5 years ago). If what I heard was their latest material, they need to stay on that track.

Good stuff! :kickass:
all I can say is Holy Shit....I never took you seriously when you said this band was good until I listened to their new album.

I can't stop listening to it!!!

Damn, Gojira has already worked their way up into my current top 5 favorite bands.

And why did you not take me seriously? :erk:

I went and saw Gojira live a month or so back. I was talking with a guy standing next to me who had seen them live a few times on that tour. When I asked how they sounded live (as I was skeptical), he said they were better live than on disk.

And he was right, each sound was reproduced to it's finest and sounds that I never thought they'd be able to produce live- well I was wrong.

This band is hands down one of the most underrated bands in a long while.

For those that don't like Gojira- I'm curious as to what about them you don't like? I'm looking for a nice healthy debate and opinions. :)

Dude, Lord Vicar slays! Thanks for having that as your avatar so i could check them out.

SKR should be picking up the CD shortly...top doom contender, EP rapes...you hear Apostle of Solitude/Valkyrie/Revelation of this year? Amazing releases...you might like Jex Thoth too
Gojira is one of those mind-blowingly awesome bands live. I love the discs and they're in my regular rotation but they're one of those bands that I prefer to see live, simply because they're so kick-in-the-teeth amazing.