Golden Age pre 73. Anyone know anything about it?

rofl at all the gearslutz forumites like LOL POP THE HOOD AND GIVE US GUTSHOTS

because the fucking circuitry is what matters and not the sound
Wow looks like a really nice pre for the money! No idea how it sounds though.
While we're on the subject- anyone know of line audios pres?
I'd love to get the 2 channel one to try out- its only around 200 euro before tax and looks like they could be really clean and hopefully transparent? I've heard great things about their mics which are also pretty cheap too so hopes are high. I should be getting a back pay lump sum at the end of summer and might plug for these if anyones heard anything good about 'em!
I became pretty interested in this pre in December, but I haven't acted on getting it yet. I remember really liking the clips I heard.
Hi there,

I agree, gearslutz is full of people giving opinions on gear they have never seen or heard, and sound clips for me are only to prove that something works and has no obvious noise issues, so to judge equipment with somebody else´s sound clips is ridiculous.

On to the preamps, I have 2 of these pres and they have been great so far, I have upgraded the output transformers and these cleaned up the distortion that starts to creep in when they are pushed hard on a loud source, like screaming vocals where the distortion can get ugly. I guess proper gain staging is the key and great result can be had with the pre stock.

Unlike ic base preamps that sound clean or sterile and a bit thin, this preamp is colored, has smooth highend and fatter bass.
This pre is great on vocals, guitar and drums esp. kick, the di es great on bass.

The pre has transformer balanced Mic, DI and Line input and balanced output, the circuit is all discreet components.

Most people dont realize that golden age music are a Swedish company that deal mostly with high end gear kind of like Mercenary in the US and they are developing there own range of affordable quality gear that they back with there own name.

They work for me and I plan on getting more.


By the way, my thread on gearsluts has a lot of useful information.
Ive been looking at this one myself..
The general consensus seems to be that its a pretty good preamp when the price is considered.

The samples of the modded vs. unmodded version on GS were great. I liked the sound of the original even..