Good Ambient


Active Member
Apr 18, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
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Ok I'm really getting into ambient/atmospheric stuff.

Can people recomend me stuff similar to

1) Robert Fripp or Brian Eno's soundscapes, especially Fripp's later stuff

2) More eartheal stuff like Burzum's Hlidskjalf album

3) Very atmospheric stuff- to the degree where its not really music but more like pulsations (ie Tribes of Neurot- Adaptation and Survival)

4) Anything full of darkness or despair...

Thanks in advance...
crimsonfloyd said:
Pink Floyd is not ambient
Damnation is not ambient
Anathema is not ambient

Also I have half of Pink Floyd's name in my SN, I think its pretty clear I am aware of them...
Pink Floyd is plenty ambient. If you cant hear it, go listen to Echoes & Shine On You Crazy Diamond. If you dont consider Pink Floyd ambient then we must have different definitions of the word
Yeah those songs are very atmospheric, and definatley have some ambient moments (ie the intro to Shine on...) but overall Pink Floyd is not an ambient band. Get something off Robert Fripp's "Blessing of Tears" or "The Gates of Paradise" for a better example of real ambient. Oceanic Motion, I'll give that album a shot.
I think some songs by The Third And The Mortal - "The Meadow" from their "Nightswan"-EP and some songs from "Painting On Glass" and "In This Room" - might be what you are looking for (if you don´t already know them). Perhaps also the songs "Lengsel" and "Song" from their album "Tears Laid In Earth" as well as the songs "Through Your Eyes" and "Quite Quiet" from Tactile Gemma´s eponymously titled debut album.
Hows about checking out Ulver's Perdition City, fantastic album... and for some almost ambient stuff with vocals try Chroma Key, thats basically Kevin Moore who used to play keys for Dream Theater and I do believe is playing for Fates Warning these days...
Perdition City is awesome, I love that album and basically everything else Ulver has done.

Ill check out Third and Mortal.

I hate Dream Theater like few other bands so I think I'll pass on Chroma key...
Chroma Key are nothing like DT, Its what Kevin Moore did after he got really disillusioned with prog metal... give it a try...
Crimson, if you use DC let me know coz i've got it on my PC. You might wanna try lloking for Stars of The Lid's 'Music For Nitrous Oxide' & 'Avec Laudenum'.

You may be interested in checking out Plaid and Esem, if you like ambient with a beat, not just soundscapes.
Here's a few I enjoy greatly:
Archon Satani, Asche, Asmorod, Christoph Heemann, Desiderii marginis, Endura, Instincts, Kammarheit, Northaunt, Kurotokage, Necrophorus, Raison D'Etre, Sophia, Steve roach, Vinterriket, and Vidna Obmana
All of these bands make some quality dark ambient music. Check them out they are all quite great.
Blackwinged has said half the stuff I would have said, but I shall add some others:

Angels of Venice, Atomine Elektrine, dreamSTATE, Maitreya (the band from UK), Numina, Transoceanic and Ulf Soderberg (even though it's a bit more tribal).

For some darker ambient, I recommend:

(Desiderii Marginis, Necrophorus and Raison D'etre are the greats [just had to mention that]) Dargaard, Encomiast, Heid, Ildfrost, Joel Hinkle, Letum, Morthound, Mortiis (early stuff), Nordvarger Drakh, Ond and Vond.