Good Grief Mr. Tate

On some level I get it; this is what he enjoys doing, so he's doing it. Having the courage to do that is commendable, regardless of my own opinion on the end result. What I don't quite get, is I have to imagine that the only people who attend to these shows are Queensryche fans. I wouldn't think the intersection of Queensryche fans and lovers of poorly performed Vaudeville is sizable. So how is it that there's even an audience left to play for after 20 minutes?
I cannot get back the 60 seconds I spent on that video.. I cannot unsee and unhear what I saw and heard...
Jazz comes close.
Does it? I have to imagine that a genre such as Jazz, would take influence from a lot of places. But does it have entire subgenres dedicated to those influences? Jazz with operatic vocals? Jazz with Metal influences? Folk Jazz? Glam Jazz? Death Jazz? Black Jazz? Most importantly, do they have a band that refers to themselves as the Jazz Kings? And if so, do they perform in loin cloths?
Does it? I have to imagine that a genre such as Jazz, would take influence from a lot of places. But does it have entire subgenres dedicated to those influences? Jazz with operatic vocals? Jazz with Metal influences? Folk Jazz? Glam Jazz? Death Jazz? Black Jazz? Most importantly, do they have a band that refers to themselves as the Jazz Kings? And if so, do they perform in loin cloths?

No, but they have Smoooooooth Jazz! :headbang:

Seriously, I agree…Metal (and all its sub-genres) is very likely more diverse and experimental than any other genre.
Does it? I have to imagine that a genre such as Jazz, would take influence from a lot of places. But does it have entire subgenres dedicated to those influences? Jazz with operatic vocals? Jazz with Metal influences? Folk Jazz? Glam Jazz? Death Jazz? Black Jazz? Most importantly, do they have a band that refers to themselves as the Jazz Kings? And if so, do they perform in loin cloths?

First, I lol'd. Second it's more the other direction. Jazz finds its way into everything, and in fusion many things find their way back into jazz. I'm assuming you were mostly screwing with me, but I felt compelled to answer anyway.
On some level I get it; this is what he enjoys doing, so he's doing it. Having the courage to do that is commendable, regardless of my own opinion on the end result. What I don't quite get, is I have to imagine that the only people who attend to these shows are Queensryche fans. I wouldn't think the intersection of Queensryche fans and lovers of poorly performed Vaudeville is sizable. So how is it that there's even an audience left to play for after 20 minutes?

I was kinda wondering the same thing. The only people drawn into a Geoff Tate show would have to be QR fans, you are right. Maybe at some point the entire evening becomes comedy and they stay to see how bad it gets. Tate just played here last week, but it was his QR version. I can't envision anyone around here paying for the vaudville side act.

And, as much of a goat-molesting assbag as he's become he still somewhat resembles a human being, and it looks like he's actually having fun. Most humans should enjoy something in their lives. I totally don't "get" him or whatever he calls this, but I will not begrudge him his opportunity to continue his musical career such as it is. I just won't be financially contributing to it.
First, I lol'd. Second it's more the other direction. Jazz finds its way into everything, and in fusion many things find their way back into jazz. I'm assuming you were mostly screwing with me, but I felt compelled to answer anyway.
Well, I was definitely being tongue and cheek with my reply. And for what it's worth, I do like some Jazz and have a healthy respect for the genre. It's one of those core genres, on which much is based. That said, I do feel that no genre can equal the expansiveness of Metal.

I totally don't "get" him or whatever he calls this, but I will not begrudge him his opportunity to continue his musical career such as it is. I just won't be financially contributing to it.
Exactly. If he's done with Metal, that's cool. It's unreasonable to expect that every musician who starts a Metal band when he's 20, will still be playing the same style when their 60. And I'd rather see someone go perform whatever makes them happy, than just phone it in.