Good guitar effects plugins + good delay


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France

I have found some free effects plugins here and there but I can't find anything really interesting for guitar effects, such as chorus or phaser, that would fit well for some solos (example : effects on Michael Amott solos). Plus, I can't find a good delay, neither for solos or vocals. I mean, a cheap or free one.

What do you propose me to download ? Do you have some killer preferences in your vst plugins fodler ?
Kjaheraus has some free delay, modulation (+ most of the "usual" plug-ins for free).

Voxengo has some good free delay plugs plus some other goodies.

There's millions I haven't tried, so there's probably a couple good gems out there, let me know if you find anything good (especially phaser/flanger)

If I think of some more in a few, I'll post back.

edit: The first thing I think of with Amott is Wah.
I have the Kjaheraus (who does not ?). But I do not feel the effects are very nice compared to guitar pedals ones. Of course you can't beat the "true" sound of "true" pedals, but I guess you can approach it. I may try them a bit deeper.

I have some voxengo's but not for effects. I'll try that delays.

If I thought of Amott, it's because his sound is a lot processed through effects (depending on the parts), but it's always well balanced. If I'm right, he uses a wah, van halen phaser, no flanger. In the end of the "Live Apocalypse" dvd, he explains a bit of his gear. You can see all of it. And also that he uses a racked pod for clean sounds ! (if i remember well..)

Don't have time now but I'll check that later. And try to find some good stuff.
You could always get a re-amp box (or make one) and just re-amp it through your pedals! (provided you have any, of course ;))
The Massey TD5 is awesome. I like delays better for a lot of purposes when they aren't delaying an exact copy of the source audio... The Massey one kind of degrades every time it plays back the delayed signal (this is also adjustable), and it sounds cool and tucks into a mix better sometimes, especially with vocals if you don't want to hear the "s" and "t" sounds as clearly in the echoes.
I also just had the idea of using podfarm, for some reason I never imagined before the fact that you can put only an effect on the line !

The Tube Echo in podfarm seems to be a nice "trash" delay for guitar solos for example.

Too bad for the TD5 : I'm on cubase/reaper on a PC... And no VST version !
Yeah and I even think Splatt mentioned that he loved the Line 6 effects for vocals...especially the delay. i dunno , i have yet to try them on vocals....

I also plain on trying the podfarm for some fuzz/dist to add to my bass tracks. i have been using a whole bunch of different stuff, but i remember line 6 having some nice fuzz/dist fx.........just alot of little things that the podfarm is excellent for ...and for 49 bucks it was a no brainer ....sweet hope that helps