good lord

haha i saw that thread title on Another Board and didn't see who started it and i briefly thought, "damn!" before moving on to blather about israel and neutral milk hotel.
yeah I called in this morning

"Hi, I'm going to be out sick this morning...I should be in around 12 or so..."

'oh. ok. are you hung over?'

"Yes, yes I am. I should be fine in a few hours though."

'OK! See you then'
"He's already given us his notice, anyway, the BASTARD."

i might give mine for Jan.1; i have about four weeks of sick time i don't get paid for to burn before that. should i develop a four-week-long kidney problem around November?
haha actually my friend Paul (who also works at BC) spent about three months calling in sick once a week--usually Monday or Friday--and would spend the weekends in Belchertown at our friend Damion's houseplaying videogames.

when he wouldn't show up on IM, several of our other IM buddies would be like "huh. BELCHERTOWN FLU is going around again, eh?"
considering that my boss is quitting this friday and i am the new 'head of the fucking world' i am sure shit will seriously go down upon my lack of arrival but everyone here can bite me.
haha, no way! two of our friends are from belchertown and we were talking THIS AFTERNOON about belchertown kids. paul said they were "super competitive" and i said "why?" and he thought about it and then said simply, "upbringing".

did you know d*amion p*isacane or s*hawn k*aplan?