good movie / Shit movie - review time

Aug 22, 2001
Sydney Australia
Well, I caught rob zombies " House of a thousand corpses today"

Fucking crap. Weak as piss and B grade schlop.:ill:
Man, The hype surrounding this was pretty big in the states -
"The bloodiest movie since the reanimator"

Rubbish! - Try mixing The goonies and Gremlins.
Weak and childish - Don't waste a cent on hire.......

The other side.....:cool:

Dracula II - Dracula 2000
Great acting, good actors ( Jason scott lee) and a decent story to go.
No cheesy CGI. All good -
Check this one out -


P.s - I am glad Rob Zombie makes decent albums.
I finally say Cradle of Fear the other day, that is possibly the biggest peice of shit i've ever seen. It's just crap. It has no redeeming feautures, not even the nudity made it worth watching.
Well, I haven't seen House of the 1000 Corpses yet... but this is actually the first bad review of it I've seen. I love B-Grade shit though ;)

And I LOVED Cradle of Fear. Especially the internet chapter of the movie, fuck that really struck a chord with me. It's not shitting your pants type stuff (as in scariness) but it's entertaining. The gore was hilarious.
Man, I love B grade filthy gore flicks - but there was 40 minutes before ANYTHING happened.... no blood... nothin' just like "I know what you did last summer"

The reanimator was a classic, now that's fuckin' gore!

As far as zombie realeasing the "goriest filem ever" - nup.

At least cradle of filth had some gore. Still schtool though.

as far as awesome movies go - check out "Tears of the sun" Bruce willis - Fuckin great.

Apolyom-Todd said:
Tears of the Sun? I think they had a trailer for that in front of the Hulk yesterday.. looked just like another "America saves the day" stories really.

But then again I could easily be wrong!

nah - your absolutely right - It's a little too much "Yay America". But there's an element that Willis brings that gives it a filthy gritty edge. It's hollywood with Balls!

I dug it.
