good news( for some of you) BAD news for every one

Night Reaper

ooo the reaper wants more
Oct 6, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
welle the good news ( for some of you ) is that im back

but the bad news for every one is

wintersun has been delayed again and will only come out next

you can read down below

WINTERSUN guitarist/vocalist Jari Mäenpää (ex-ENSIFERUM) has issued the following update:

"The mix has been cancelled and the release of [the second WINTERSUN album] 'Time' is delayed even more. I'm sorry to disappoint everyone...again, but the album is not gonna be released this year. And unfortunately Nino has the Sonic Pump Studios booked full for this year, so we might have to think of something else.

"Reason for this delay is that, I've set the bar really high on this album, but my equipment isn't even close what I need to work faster. I have to push the gear what I have to the limits to get the best out of them and I have to do a LOT of workarounds which is very time-consuming. Then all the thousand technical problems added into the mix isn't helping. Basically every piece of gear has been broken at one time or another during the making of this album, feels like there's a curse. Takes ages to solve the problems and send the stuff back and forth making the warranty changes. All this has made me very frustrated and uninspired. Hasn't helped with my stress about the deadlines either, slowing me even more. I work the best when I'm happy and lots of times I haven't been. It's been the most difficult record to make in my life. The album is very huge, I don't know if it's gonna fit even in the 74 minutes of a CD. The track count is very high, about 200 tracks per song. So it's almost like two albums in one (or three SLAYER albums :p). But I'm gonna finish this, no matter what
I'm downloading their first album now because I don't like them so I'm gonna try and get into them by the time this is released.
i only like Beyond the Dark Sun... the rest is pretty boring

Composition-wise, BtDS is the simplest song, and it does take abit of time to get into them, as some songs aren't really that mainstream, and that it's progressive metal aswell. I mean, some people still don't like them, but that's their choice.
Composition-wise, BtDS is the simplest song, and it does take abit of time to get into them, as some songs aren't really that mainstream, and that it's progressive metal aswell. I mean, some people still don't like them, but that's their choice.

yes i know... i also know that Jari is a amazin guitarrist... but overall... it just didn't please me... yes, in fact, that is MY opinion :p