Good night Thread

4:19am, haven't gone to bed yet, can't sleep.

I leave for work at 8am and get home around 5:30ish, then go to a class from 6:30-9:30...basically I am fucked for today. :)
0:43 I need to go to sleep later cuz I can't sleep when I go to bed this early but else I'm a wrack when I got to get up at 7:40 :erk:

oh, the dilemma
last night was awfull. It was too warm, so i couldnt fall asleep. I just layed in bed and turned myself over and over untill 4 am, when i finally decided to go eat some cereals, drink water and read something. Then it was not so warm anymore and i finally fell asleep.
^I have that every time I go to bed before 3 am, it sucks big time, expecially when you've gotta work the next morning :ill:

but tonight will be diffrent cuz I had a party at a friends house: beer, chips and pizza all night so I'm a tired right now and hope to get a decent night rest this time. 0:33 here
noooo i have to get up at 7:20 tomorrow for an exam, and now its 1 am and there's a thunderstorm... I hope it ends soon, i want to sleep :zzz: :mad: