Good Screams and Growls.


Dark Lord of the Sith
Sep 7, 2002
Tallahassee, FL
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Hey guys, I'm working on a heavy metal promo for my college radio station, WVFS Tallahassee and I want to assemble a group of yells and screams from metal songs. I need some good suggestions and the less guitar/drums that are playing behind the growl, the better that way I can separate it. The longer the sustained the better. Any suggestions will be appreciated and please include the band, album, song, and part of the track where the brutality occurs would be good. Also, if you guys know a good program that can separate vocal tracks off cd's let me know aswell. Thanks
In the slipknot song: "I am hated", there is a screamlike thing right at the end. I bet you can use that.
Y'know, I'm not so sure many of you are into Hypocrisy's Fourth Dimension (it's not one of my favourites, really...), but Peter Tagtgren's vocal performance is excellent. He roars his ass off while at the same time being very articulate. A very powerful growl.